View Full Version : Please help!

06-05-09, 09:25
Myself and my boyfriend both have GAD, but i now have mine under good control mostly. We have always suffered with quite a few common symptoms but he has always had a problem with nausea and vomiting. I have never seen the actual vomiting part of it, or how bad it can be for him.

He got made redundant from a job he hated about 3 months ago, and has been trying to get a new job ever since. There are very few vacancies in this area so he had to settle for the one placement he got offered in a warehouse, right near my own place of work. We decided that we would share the car journey, as i don't drive and would be quicker for me than walking. He drops me off then goes back on himself a little way to go to his own job.

This is the second morning of his new job and we have pulled over for me to get out and he has vomited because he is so anxious. I think the vomiting is part of his full blown panic attack, and i have only seen him get part way into a panic attack before. It is uncontrollable and awful and paralysing for him. He feels humiliated and keeps saying he just wants to be normal. I can understand this feeling totally as i tend to faint in my own full blown panic attacks.

I just don't know how to help him, or what to suggest!!! I can't keep leaving him in the car practically in tears every morning, i sit at work worrying all day incase he isn't coping. Then worry all evening incase i have to go through it all again with him the next morning. He has tried anti-sickness drugs in the past and some counselling, but it didn't work.

If anyone has any advice at all i would really appreciate it

Lisa xx

claire m
06-05-09, 17:24
firstly bibg hugs to both of you:hugs:the one comfort you can take from this i suppose is that you can both understand how each other is feeling.
I too like your partner suffer from vomiting when in panic it is something i have no control over sorry if thats not much help but i thought i would say that he is not alone in feeling this way.
im not sure if you can get anything from the docs for the sickness but it may be worth a chat with the doc about.
take care both of you.:flowers:

06-05-09, 18:39
All praise to you both. He has gone out and got himself a job, that in itself is wonderfull. I know you are proud of him, well so am I. I am so sorry that you are both suffering like this, it isn't fare. I have no answer but send you my support and admiration. Hopfully things will settle down a bit soon. Keep intouch let us know how your getting along.

07-05-09, 08:49
Thanks so much for everyones support. We had a really long talk about this last night and i explained biologically why this happens, and what is going on in his body. I think he felt like his body was letting him down, but i explain it is his body trying to survive something horrible happening to it. His fight or flight response is just much more sensitive than other peoples. I think it all clicked into place for him then, and he said he really understands much more now. Plus i think he now realises that a little bit of vomit isn't going to chase me away, and is happier knowing i will stick with him through anything!
He was still very nervous this morning but managed not to get to that point where he had to be sick to relieve that anxiousness. I am so proud of him! Lets hope that tomorrow is just as good xxx