View Full Version : Thank god for sites like this one!

06-05-09, 09:35
Hi everyone,

my name is Carol and Im really glad to have found a site like this. Ive had depression for the last 9 years, off and on, and with it came panic attacks and anxiety. Have been doing really well for so long, until recently I had a minor car accident involving a bike and its set me right back. It took a couple of days to hit me, but now Im feeling horrible with all the symptoms of anxiety. I have three children and worry because Im responsible for them and dont want to feel out of control.

Thanks for listening

Carol x x x x

06-05-09, 09:48
Hi carol,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

06-05-09, 10:00
Hi Carol, ive had exactly the same for the same amount of time, been on anti depressants for the third time now and no doubt they do help although im still waiting to feel full effects. I too have two children who are 12 and 14 and I cant wait to take them to school so that I dont have to put on a front of feeling normal - its so horrible - I dont want them to know as it will frighten them, especially my younger son who tends to be a worry guts like me. Its a horrible lonely feeling but as we know, it does pass, although it feels like it never will, I feel that I need the doctor to say to me in X amount of weeks you will be back to normal but obviously they cant tell you this as they dont know. Anyway you are not alone, I too am here feeling like I cant decide what to do, even the most menial jobs that I normally do without a second thought. Hope you feel a bit better as they days go on. Shrimp xxx

06-05-09, 10:53
Hi Carol, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

06-05-09, 16:52
Hi Carol,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will offer their support. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


06-05-09, 22:23
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx