View Full Version : Citalopram - Other meds??

06-05-09, 11:16
Hi guys

I would like some advice, i was put on citalopram for Anxiety i only lasted 8 wks on these meds as they did not agree with me what so ever, i started on 20mg then up to 40 then came off them over a cpl of weeks!

Since comming off them (been off them just over one and a bit weeks) i still feel a bit strange at points in the days, after speaking to my doctor he is convinced i shud have kept taking them but i was really ill all the way through.

Has any one else sufferd a set back on citalopram but found other meds that have worked??

thanks for reading.

06-05-09, 11:47
hi i found it took my body ages too adjust to the citralopram a good six weeks :ohmy: i started on 20mg but i found i was very nauseas and shaky and unwell soo i went onto 10mg too get used too them and then 20mg and now im up too 30 mg i find i have minor side-effects now and the positives are i feel less anxious and more happy and able too face life it takes a while though x

06-05-09, 14:02
Thanks bluegirl,

Im at the stage not sureif i should give it another go or to stay of them and see if i start to feel normal again!!

07-05-09, 01:01
Next question??

does anyone know how log these meds stay in your system??

07-05-09, 02:22
Hi guys

I would like some advice, i was put on citalopram for Anxiety i only lasted 8 wks on these meds as they did not agree with me what so ever, i started on 20mg then up to 40 then came off them over a cpl of weeks!

Since comming off them (been off them just over one and a bit weeks) i still feel a bit strange at points in the days, after speaking to my doctor he is convinced i shud have kept taking them but i was really ill all the way through.

Has any one else sufferd a set back on citalopram but found other meds that have worked??

thanks for reading.
I don't think you gave the med's time to kick in.

There is no quick fix when using med's

07-05-09, 08:12
I asked to change to escitalopram from cital. Have been told by gp they are the same. If that were true then it would not be 10 times as expensive! Its purer with less side effects. I changed at the weekend and some of the cital side effects( I took it since dec) have reduced already.

I would say you can work out how long to get cital out of your system by their half life- which is quite long. Id guess 3 weeks approx x

07-05-09, 09:40

Citalopram has a half life of 36 hours so it stays in your system for only that time. But because of that it makes the side affects more prominent, so thats why you shouldnt just stop taking them otherwise you get the bad side effects. I have good days and bad days....yesterday i was so dizzy I asked to leave early from work and went straight to bed woke up 6 hours later!

Anyways hope you get used to them and they help you

Tori Frances
07-05-09, 10:56
I am also wondering whether to keep taking Citalopram. been on them 6 weeks now and no improvement at all. If anything my anxiety feels worse, although I don't think have had bad side effects.
I used to be on Clomipramine which worked wonders but then just stopped - v upsetting. Can't get appt to see Psychiatrist for another month to look at changing though and GP thinks should wait till then and be under specialist guidance.

07-05-09, 10:57
thanks guys for the advice, iv got a docs appointment this week so i might see what other meds are suitable for me!!

07-05-09, 12:03
Hi :)
I found Citalopram kicked in after 6 weeks, of me complaining that they were not working - Maybe Gps should tell their patients it may take longer than the 6 weeks that they quote? I have read that it can actually take months for Citalopram to be fully effective for anxiety as originally they were designed for depression.
I am getting more good days than bad now and can tell the difference in how I was before I started taking them and now.
What doseage are you taking, Tori?

07-05-09, 13:00
I am coming to the end of week 5 and definitely feeling a lot better than I did a few weeks ago. It seems to vary from person to person - my doctors says 7/8 weeks.


How are the headaches??


Tori Frances
10-05-09, 10:21
Am on 40mg now, still no improvement, almost 7 weeks but keep being told I have to wait and that meds are not the 'answer'. Well I understand that, I just want to be able to get through days!! Do they mean 6 weeks from when you start taking them at all or 6 weeks from when you get up to 40mg? Not sure. Hope you are ok Poppy.

10-05-09, 11:28
you need to find the therapeutic dose for you irrespective of time. If you take 20 mg for example for years and it is too little or too much then its not a therapeutic dose. Thats the key to how meds can or can't help x

10-05-09, 22:46
Hi guys, what i was wondering has anyone tried any diffrent meds other than citalopram??