View Full Version : Cold & Cough, now chest hurts

06-05-09, 11:45
I feel really stupid for posting again about my cold, so sorry.

As some of you know, i started with a bad cold on Sunday, yesterday i started coughing and sneezing loads, today i feel better than i did and haven't been coughing and sneezing as much but my chest is hurting now.
Everytime i move or even do the slightest cough it's hurting.

Is this normal and has it happend to you?

Stupidly i googled it and now i'm worried.

Thank you

06-05-09, 11:48
Naughty Googler :winks:

It's probably the coughing that has hurt your chest. It's quite normal after a bout of coughing. You could always just pop and see your doc to get it checked out,but coughing a lot can cause this.

take care


06-05-09, 11:53
Hi hun
Yes ive had the same, i coughed and sneezed so much once that i pulled a muscle and it hurt to move or cough again for a few days, and its quite a common thing for people to do especially if your coughing hard.
Please try not to worry yourself too much, rest and take it easy until your cold gets better and im sure you will start to feel better in a few days.
Take care.

06-05-09, 12:20
Thank you, i really need to stop googling, starting to have a panic attack now.
Leslya did your chest hurt even when you wasn't coughing?

I'm too scared to ring nhs direct because they always worry me more.

06-05-09, 13:28
Hi If you have a cold and are coughing a lot you really ought to get checked out by a doctor, even if it's just to put your mind at rest.

I am just getting over a chest infection which started off with me coughing then my chest hurting when breathing and coughing, also coughing up a load of mucus.

it doesn't mean to say it's anything serious just a slight infection perhaps or as the others say just a pulled muscle, i just thought that as you are so obviously worried i'd get it checked.
Good Luck:hugs:

06-05-09, 13:38
Yes miss it did, different ways i turned in bed or even sometimes turning my head it used to hurt, but it did ease off after a few days and went totally after my coughing eased off too. But like lynn says if your unduly worried have a word with your gp and get him to check you out to help put your mind at ease.
Hope you feel better soon.
Let us know how you are.
Take care

06-05-09, 13:43
thank you. i do want to ring to gp, i have the phone with me now bu having a panic attack now which i dont think is helping. I just went upstairs and now my chest is hurting more so i'm really scared now

06-05-09, 15:35
I just rang the doctor, she didnt do anything to put my mind at ease tho. She was asking me about history of leg blood clots in the family, which i said we dont have.

She told me to take parocetomol and then ring the surgery if it doesnt help, and she wants to listen to my chest.

Now i'm still really worried.

I was also sick just as i got off the phone to the receptionist earlier, i didnt feel sick before tho, only when i started panicking loads so i'm hoping it was just that, its never hapend before.

06-05-09, 15:52
The doctor will be able to tell quite quickly if you are suffering from a chest infection. I have recently recovered from one exacerbated by my asthma was was very bad. My GP initially gave me antibiotics (you might be given those) She will listen to your chest (mine was alll rattly and wheezy) I really didn't feel well ie I had a temperature aching joints and fatigue so you'll be asked about that too. You might have to produce a sputum sample to send to the hospital. My back and front ribs hurt too. I hope you begin to feel better soon.

06-05-09, 16:19
Aw missy hun your being sick could be because your getting yourself all upset.
Maybe the best thing you can do is call down and see your gp so she can put your mind at ease by examining your chest, and at least if it is a chest infection she can give you something to help you get rid of it.
Hope your ok

06-05-09, 19:40
I've taken a paracetomol but it hasn't worked so i'm really panicking now. I've got to ring the doctors again tomorrow but i'm so frightend because of my extreme social phobia and agoraphobia, i just wish the doctor had reassured me but she didn't at all so i'm thinking the worst now.

06-05-09, 19:45
Will your gp not come out to see you because of your agoraphobia and social phobia?

06-05-09, 19:49
I think thats what they are going to do but im still so worried, i got sick just speaking on the phone because of my social phobia.
Plus im worried about having chest x rays and going to hospital (Stupid Google).

06-05-09, 20:09
Its awful being stuck in the house isnt it hun, but your lucky in a way as you seem to have an understanding gp, i used to make myself ill having to push myself to go to the doctors when i was agoraphobic. Try not to worry about having xrays or anything yet as you probably wont need one. Wait and see what your doctor says in the morning.
I hope things are ok so you can get a good nights sleep tonight.
Take care

06-05-09, 22:26
Thank you Lesleya, i'll post when i know more xxx

06-05-09, 22:32
Night hun....sweet dreams

06-05-09, 22:35
Night Night x :hugs:

07-05-09, 14:02
I've just rung the doctors and waiting for a doctor to ring me back now. I'm having another panic attack which is effecting my breathing, my breathings already bad though cos ive got a blocked nose (i hope thats the reason).

I still feel really lousy today with "flu symptoms" as the doctor told me yesterday. blocked nose, sneezing, phlegm, cough and pains in the chest when i cough and when i'm resting.

The thing is though, before my cold i had pains in my chest which my doctor said could be anxiety and that my chest sounded ok when she checked it.

I'm panicking so much now about pneumonia and bronchitus now because i think i fit the symptoms.

07-05-09, 16:07
The doctor just came to see me, it was good because it wasn't a planned visit but she had about 20minutes to spare so she came straight away.

She says i have bronchitus but i don't have to take medication, just parocetomol, drink lots and rest.

Bronchitus isn't as bad as i thought it would be then, although i feel rough, i can calm down now knowing that i've been checked over and that i don't have to go to hospital and have chest x-rays ect.