View Full Version : OMG! Surgery on Friday!

06-05-09, 12:06
Just had a phone call....
After my pre-op assessment tomorrow I have to book into hospital because they operate on Friday.
Apparently they work to target dates, and this has swung in my favour so I have been fast-tracked through.
I am absolutely pooping myself, but the nurse said the anticipation is worse than the op itself. Hey, I know I am lucky.

Pegs X

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06-05-09, 12:12
All the luck in the world peggy and pray all goes well for you..which im sure it will xxxx

06-05-09, 14:11
Dear Pegs

I will be thinking of you hunni:bighug1:

I just know your gonna be fine.:)

Sending you lots of these:bighug1:

Love Trish xxxx

06-05-09, 15:36
I am crossing my everything for you, I am sure it will go well, it's fantastic that they are doing it so soon!!!! No more waiting around worrying!
Kisses and hugs :hugs:


06-05-09, 15:42
Aawww thinking of you:hugs: Make sure to take a huge comfort bag filled with puzzle books, magazines, rescue remedy, everything you think you'll need.

Take care xxx

06-05-09, 16:04
:D Good luck Peggy these surgeons are wonderful, i had a brain tumour removed last feb and came through with no probs. I looked like the bride of frankenstein with all the staples in my head lol!!! I don't look much better now lol!!!
You will be fine, i was terrified but you don't even know anything about it.
Take care and good luck for friday.

Mandy xxx:yesyes:

06-05-09, 17:07
love and prayers!!!!!!!!!! you will do great!!!!!!!!!!!

06-05-09, 17:17
You guys really are GREAT!

In a way, it's better that it's this quick...I don't have too much time to ponder.

Hey, and I will probably be home this time next week.
The nurse explained that I will only get results at my next consult with the Specialist, about a week after surgery. Then I'll see the Surgeon in about a month.

Don't think I can take my lap-top into hospital though.....What am I going to do without you All?!

Pegs XX

06-05-09, 17:25
I keeping everything crossed for you and believe me in my condition that is not easy to do:D

06-05-09, 18:32
Well it gets it out of the way.
How did you swing that one.
Like everybody else here, Good Luck will be thinking of you.
Try and get some rest.

06-05-09, 18:59
Hey...You're right...gets it over with.

I actually didn't swing this one...no cup-cakes or anything.
Think it's my Guardian Angels!


06-05-09, 19:06
So we have to sit on the edge of our seat for a week?:) When will you check in, tomorrow?

06-05-09, 19:46
Yes. I am going to Southampton for an assessment tomorrow anyway, so they called me to tell me to bring my overnight bag. I did have the choice of Monday too, but my husband has to work away at the moment so this works out better.
Just so sudden!
I must admit...I am scared of the op. I still wonder how they get a big lump of lung through a 1,5cm hole.
My friend says they must learn from the Gynaes.....!!

Pegs X

06-05-09, 20:53
Hi Peg!
I hope everything goes well for you on Friday. I will be thinking of you.
Good Luck and let us know when you can how you get on.
Big Hugs of support to you.

06-05-09, 22:45
Thinking of you.... all fingers and toes crossed for you - you'll be grand, you've been an inspiration to me - so brave and cheerful... really admire that.

06-05-09, 22:51
Good luck. I hope it works out for you. I am sure you will be fine:bighug1:

06-05-09, 23:33
good luck peg and im sure all will turn out fine xx

07-05-09, 08:13
Hi Peg,

Just want to wish you all the luck in the world for Friday will be thinking of you, will say a prayer for you as well, god bless xx

07-05-09, 13:35
GOOD LUCK PEGS!!!!! I know you will be fine, and once you are over this 'hump' it will get easier........ you are incredibly brave and strong and so just look beyond friday to the lovely long hot summer (so the met office promises us!!) ahead. Loads of love and thoughts to you. PM me if you fancy a moan (I'm not sure my message system is working v well though....)

09-05-09, 15:35
Hi Pegs, I hope the op went well and you'll be home soon. Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you and waiting to hear from you. :flowers:

09-05-09, 16:45
Pegs - I really hope your op went OK........ I expect you are still in hospital but I hope you know there are lots of people thinking about you and wishing you the best........ I look forward to hearing how your recovery is going....

11-05-09, 00:32
check in as soon as you can!!!!!!!!! HUGS

11-05-09, 03:52
Good luck and be strong. Lean on us if you need to.

11-05-09, 09:39
Hope it all went well, I am sure it will have done!

12-05-09, 21:43
Hope your ok peggy, let us know when you can how you are....thinking of you.
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

13-05-09, 09:18
Peggy , hoping your operation has went well, we are all thinking of you xxxxx

13-05-09, 15:28
thinking of you! :) xoxox