View Full Version : memory loss

06-05-09, 13:37
does anyone alse suffer memory loss for things like people names etc? I never used to now i am terrible even things like spelling has gone bad

06-05-09, 13:44
I forget names and other details all the time. It stinks but I think it just comes with the territory.

06-05-09, 17:16
Yes, it certainly does come with the territory. I forget words all the time - I forgot what a mushroom was called the other day!
it's horrible but it's just a symptom of a tired brain. Us lucky folks with HA go on thinking thinking all day [altho' we wish we didn't!] and the brain gets tired out.

06-05-09, 18:48
Yes indeed I suffer from short term memory loss. Names forget it (well I do). You are not alone in this. Do you suffer from depression or anxiety. Thats what caused me to go blank. It can be quite embarising I go round calling everybody hun or love or hi its great to see you, stuff like that.
They probably think i'm nuts, they are probably right. It's just my way of handling it. Good Luck

07-05-09, 18:21
I started getting blanks when my anxiety was really acute, it scared the life out of me, that was 18 months ago and it ain't got any worse, I have noticed it happens when I am very stressed or tiredI noticed it today when I had an interview I went blank for a few seconds and put it down to nerves I think we notice it more when we are in that hypervigilant stage and it becomes another irrational frightening symptom. Try not to worry I did and made myself very ill worrying about it and don't be looking it up on the internet you will frighten yourself even more.:bighug1:

07-05-09, 21:46
Ohh im terrible at remembering peoples names:ohmy: , its embarrsing at times too isnt it.

And i dont know how many times i have gone upstairs at home and once there forgot what i went up for !:blush: or gone in the fridge and forgot what for.:blush:

Your certainly not alone with this !

07-05-09, 21:51
I bought a book on how to cure amnesia, but I can't remember where i left it :blush:

07-05-09, 21:59
Well Mick you where lucky to buy that book! I have forgot where the bookstore is !:blush: lol.