View Full Version : So Glad to know I'm not alone!

06-05-09, 15:42
Hi I am new here! been looking everywhere for answers everywhere trying to understand why the last 8 weeks of my life have been a living nightmare. Really struggling with my breathing sometimes - been to ER 3 times only to be told nothing is wrong had all sorts of blood tests all OK - feel like I am going crazy!

I had a chest infection - slow to resolve - and this I think got me started on worrying about my health I seem to have all the symptoms of classic health induced Anxiety/Panic and my doc has me on 20mg of Citalopram. Please, please can someone tell me if this gets better. 2 months ago I was absolutely fine.

Sorry to sound so desperate, much respect to all. :scared15:

06-05-09, 15:47
Stevie, Welcome to NoMorepAnic and im pretty sure most people here will share how you feel,

My Anxiety started about 2-3 month's ago, and the first few weeks were by far the hardest, after that it slowly got better and I learned to cope with it, Im still visiting the doctor about once a week for diffirent issues though..
But the first few weeks I was at the office several times a week, At one time I was there on monday, and the next day I was there again! :P

This forum will probably help you alot, it does so for me thats for sure.
Unfortionatly I can not say anything about medicines, because my anxiety is not that bad that I have to take medicine to remain calm, Yet. ^^

Kind Regards,

Kraggy :bighug1:

06-05-09, 15:53
Hi Stevie, My feeling is that because of your chest infection you started focusing on your breathing. I was once in a program for anxiety and worked with a wonderful therapist who told me that this is the number one focus for people with anxiety. They think their breathing is off and they start concentrating on it to regulate it. Please remember that breathing is automatic and regulates itself no matter what we do.

Try to not hyperventilate as this will bring on anxiety symptoms. If you find yourself breathing too fast, just sit down and let your body take over. You say it started a few weeks ago and before that you were fine. Same with all of us...there is always a beginning and like you, it often starts when something in our bodies goes awry for a while. You don't sound any more desperate than all of us so don't worry....here we can be as honest as we want with nobody looking at us funny :-)

Yes, it can get better. Get a hold of some of the books on health anxiety, they're really helpful.

06-05-09, 15:55
Thanks kraggy its great to have someone to talk to. I am going back to the docs again on friday for the results of my chest xray. Hopefully all will be fine and I can start to start pulling myself together. This breathing thing is the pits, I'm sure its anxiety related and not my lungs' feels like I'm suffocating. Strange thing is some mornings I'm fine and I think I am getting better, then it comes back with a vengeance - is this normal with anxiety? Also every morning I wake up shaking like a leaf although this passes after 10 mins or so.

Very Best to all - this is the worst I've ever felt in my life!. :shrug:

06-05-09, 16:00
Hi Lauren wow what a great place this is - you are right. as soon as I open my eyes the first thing I do is check if I can get a full lungfull of air. Then all day I simply cant think of anything else but my breathing. Tried breathing exercises - distracting myself - relaxation Cd's all seem to help a bit. I will try not thinking about it but its hard - really hard.

Thanks so much for the supportive reply - I just need to get through this. I wish I'd found this site sooner.

Much respect and best wishes Steve.