View Full Version : feeling crap!

06-05-09, 17:52
Got 4/5 days before AF arrives and I am having all nasty physical anxiety and panick symptoms - which i havnt suffered with for a while.

I am waiting for chest xray results which hospital/doctors appear to have misplaced, si I know im stressing about that, my sister is having an op tomorrow to remove neck lumps, and my partner and I have decided to start trying for baby #2 mid may, had a horrific 1st experience labour/birth wise so i know im nervous about all that since that was what triggered all these panick attacks and health/general anxieties.

Sorry for this, just needed to vest some frustration and get some support, i love you guys at nmp. xxxxxx

06-05-09, 18:14
Hi, Wow you are taking on a lot. No wonder you feel stressed and anxious.
Put everything into perspective. The lost xray will turn up and more than likley they will be fine. Your sister will be in good hands and will be better soon. Well basw for the baby, I can't help you there. Good luck with trying and its against the odds that it wil be difficult again. I send you my support and throw in a hug. You will come out of this just fine and with a new baby.

07-05-09, 20:14
Hi thankyou for your reply, i know its the stress, but, chest xray results were found today, were clear, and doctor was happy to take no firther action, sisters op was cancelled as deemed not necessary but theyr keeping an eye, and I am more than ever looking forward to being a mum again.

Cassi xxx