View Full Version : Smear Test question ?

06-05-09, 17:59

I dont post very often but I am an avid reader of posts and log in on my mobile every day.

But I had a smear test yesterday and was ok, but today I seem to have like a mild cramping, almost like my period is going to start.

Just wondered if any ladies have had similar experience, I also had a tiny bit of blood this morning.

Thank you xx

06-05-09, 18:07
Yes sometimes this can happen and they can bruise the cervix a bit if they are not too careful.

I have had the bleeding afterwards as well so nothing to worry about.

06-05-09, 18:17
don't worry these things happen , you'll be fine after a day or two

06-05-09, 18:20
Yes i get the same too a little bleeding afterwards as ive got a titled womb so they always manage to nick me when theyre rumaging around:)
Hope your feeling a little better.

06-05-09, 19:10
I had quite a bit of bleeding and a little cramping for a few hours after my last smear and after doing a little research found that is very common, and that most doctors forget to tell you that you may experience this afterwards! so its normal, just something doctors need to be better about letting you know about. I especially wouldnt worry if your cervix doesnt bleed or cramp any other time, i.e. after sex, ect.

06-05-09, 19:11
Thanks for the replies.
Just got the dreaded wait for results now !