View Full Version : Desperate for some advice

06-05-09, 18:14
Hi everyone, I was wondering if someone can please help me...

I've been having swallowing problems for the last week and finally calmed myself down into admitting it was anxiety...
My left ear and left throat are both hurting and I am panicking this could be something serious...
I also ate today and it felt like everything was getting stuck in my throat and it actually hurt to swallow...
Has anyone else had this?
Could my ear ache be from my constant poking of my ear (does anyone else do this when something hurts?)
Thanks for any help xxx

06-05-09, 18:19
did you visit your doctor?
yes poking your ear can make it ache!
or it might have too much wax, so try one of those ear sprays.
is your throat swollen or red or have whoite spots on it?

06-05-09, 18:51
Aileen, I have almost exactly the same thing! My right ear and right side of my throat hurts and I still have acid or a burning sensation in my oesophagus; have just had dinner and thought I was going to choke; oh and the right side of my tongue is also sore.

If it is any help, I had something similar a couple of years ago (but without the acid) and after worrying myself stupid I eventually went to GP and I had a viral infection (probably helped along by a very stressful job at the time); unfortunately all the symptoms I had - the painful ear and throat, chronic fatigue and lack of appetite all = cancer to me :scared15: . No medication for viral infection, but was told to take a week off and 'chill out' - result :yesyes:

PS No matter how logical the last paragraph is, I am still worried sick about my acid reflux/indigestion and my fingers are itching to get on google ... I really get on my own nerves ...:mad:

06-05-09, 20:58
Thank you so much for replying, it's hard when you completely convince yourself it's something worse, and you just think no one in the world understands :-(
It means a lot to have someone who understands so thank you!xx

06-05-09, 21:08
Aileen, I had almost exactly what you describe about 8 months ago, it was the start of my anxiety. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay away from google, I managed to convince myself (with the help of google) that I had cancer of the oesophagus. I had real issues with swallowing food and even drinking water hurt. when I got it into my head it was anxiety it slowly improved and I moved onto my next "illness".

The more you think about it the worse it gets, this sounds like classic anxiety even though when it is happening to you its hard to believe. x