View Full Version : Hello everyone.

06-05-09, 18:36
Not sure were to start. I had my 1st panic attack at the age of 17, i'm 29 now. I had OCD when i was 8 years old after suffering abuse. I feel like i was born abnormal. : (
I feel permanently bad. Ive learned to control the panic attacks (i get them still, but full blown ones are rare) but i feel like it's just been replaced with more symptoms.
I get numbness all over, lump in my throat (my partner must be sick of inspecting it for me), aching limbs, pins and needles, feeling of not being 'here', voices in my head (my own voice just repeating things), constant weeing, feeling of a band around my head- a constant pressure. I'm just sick of not being normal.
I really need help. I'm scared of medication though. I tried Citalopram but it made my symptoms 10X worse. I think i have a medication phobia. I hate taking anything because i'm convinced it will harm me in some way.
I'm so fed up. I can be having a real good time when all of a sudden my internal temperature has dropped 30 degrees and i start panicking. As far as i can tell there is no trigger. I feel like it is out of my control. That's what upsets me the most.
I take regular exercise, drink gallons of water (ive stopped drinking any form of caffine), i follow the GI diet and nothing has helped.

Does anyone on here get cold spots on their head? It feels like a icy spot?

06-05-09, 18:51
Thank-you for the welcome.
After reading some of everyone else's symptoms on here i feel better.

06-05-09, 20:25
Hello Metal. Everything that you mentioned, I also have. Fear of medicine's, always checking to see if something is wrong with me. Taking something as little as a headache and making it a brain tumor. I was told the headaches like you have are tension headaches. They are probably caused because we are always worried about our health. I have pressure spots in my head. Sometimes its on the top, then on the sides, and then at the base of my neck. The tingling is also from the panic attacks. When I feel a panic attack coming on I get tingles up my back. I just joined not that long ago, and it made me feel so much better knowing there are other people out there that has the same thing I do. That I'm not the only person suffering with this. I read through the posts and I can't explain how much better I felt. I've began noticing the things that set off my panic attacks more, and tell myself it's just the anxiety, and it makes them much easier to deal with. The doctor recently gave me some Klonopin, or clonzapam (sp?) to take when I have a panic attack. I haven't took one yet because of the med fear. I hope this site helps you as much as it has helped me.


06-05-09, 22:12
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

06-05-09, 22:53
Hi Metal, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I also get strange head sensations, numbness & pins & needles due to anxiety. I find that it helps to keep reminding myself that it is all down to anxiety and is not going to do me any harm. :hugs:

Best wishes :flowers:

07-05-09, 09:55
Thanks' everyone.
I think i'm showing signs of OCD again. I'm on antibiotics at the minute and before i take them i have to count them, this is to make sure i haven't took too many. I know it's not rational but i can't help myself. I loathe to take medication.
I'm seeing my GP and asking if i can get CBT on the NHS.

07-05-09, 09:56
Hello Metal. Everything that you mentioned, I also have. Fear of medicine's, always checking to see if something is wrong with me. Taking something as little as a headache and making it a brain tumor. I was told the headaches like you have are tension headaches. They are probably caused because we are always worried about our health. I have pressure spots in my head. Sometimes its on the top, then on the sides, and then at the base of my neck. The tingling is also from the panic attacks. When I feel a panic attack coming on I get tingles up my back. I just joined not that long ago, and it made me feel so much better knowing there are other people out there that has the same thing I do. That I'm not the only person suffering with this. I read through the posts and I can't explain how much better I felt. I've began noticing the things that set off my panic attacks more, and tell myself it's just the anxiety, and it makes them much easier to deal with. The doctor recently gave me some Klonopin, or clonzapam (sp?) to take when I have a panic attack. I haven't took one yet because of the med fear. I hope this site helps you as much as it has helped me.

:hugs: Thank's you really have made me feel better. Ive noticed my triggers for panic are skipping meals and not taking care of myself.

07-05-09, 10:23
Hi metal

im sky and have just joined a few weeks ago to,iv suffered from anx and panic for around 20 years,some times its worse than others, i think depending on how im feeling.

but i to have a deep fear of medication,and that itself makes me,worry that im going to develop an illness that requires tablets:ohmy: . so the first sign of anything pain,unusal sensation,has me running for the hills.

iv even tried to make myself sick,after taking pills as i think somthing terrible is going to happen.
so you are not alone,ithought i must be the only person in the world who felt like this.
i wonder how many of us are like this.

i can manage a paraceamol,but i have to have only one brand,and check the writing on it,and i dont like the first one out of the packet.
i know strange ay.......:shrug: but its something iv got to do

take care
love skyxx:blush:

08-05-09, 23:58
Has anyone here had numbness in their throat :wacko:

09-05-09, 00:38
Hello and:welcome: to NMP , no i havent had numbness in my throat have a look at health anxiety ,in the forum maybe their , take care Dusky x or open a thread on numbness you may get good advice .

09-05-09, 01:03
Hi Metal,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give you their support. I have had half of my head (upper) go numb before when I was in the cold if that counts and it didn't happen to anyone else (actually it really wasn't cold, only to me). I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


09-05-09, 19:57
Has anyone here had numbness in their throat :wacko:

Yes ive had it for a few days due to stress.

09-05-09, 19:58
Hi metal

im sky and have just joined a few weeks ago to,iv suffered from anx and panic for around 20 years,some times its worse than others, i think depending on how im feeling.

but i to have a deep fear of medication,and that itself makes me,worry that im going to develop an illness that requires tablets:ohmy: . so the first sign of anything pain,unusal sensation,has me running for the hills.

iv even tried to make myself sick,after taking pills as i think somthing terrible is going to happen.
so you are not alone,ithought i must be the only person in the world who felt like this.
i wonder how many of us are like this.

i can manage a paraceamol,but i have to have only one brand,and check the writing on it,and i dont like the first one out of the packet.
i know strange ay.......:shrug: but its something iv got to do

take care
love skyxx:blush:

That's what i find the hardest to deal with. I'm loathe to take medication. I have to count the tablets to make sure i haven't took too many. (I know i never will but i can't stop the counting).

09-05-09, 20:01
I'm so glad i found this site and thank's again for the replies. :hugs:
I have felt a lot better these past few days and have been trying to look after myself.