View Full Version : is there anything wrong?

06-05-09, 18:49
I am 24 years old and i am a newcomer to the world of anxiety issues. it all started almost 2 months ago when i started getting really bad pains in my tummy. i went to the doctors after a weekend of not being able to sit, stand or lie down without being in pain and i was told it was PID (Pelvic imfammatory disease). i was given 2 courses of antibiotics which had awful sid effects that made me paranoid beyond extremes. during this time I drove my family and boyfriend nuts constantly checking myself and any excretions that came from my body. My glands in my groin became really painfull but the doctor reassured me they would go down in a week or so. On the last day of taking the drungs i had a swabs done and a couple of days after a blood and urine test. All came back clear but i was still suffering side effects which i was told was anxiety and i was given pills to help me cope. i wasn't convinced so i saw about another 3-4 different doctors in desperation but they all told me I was fine. Just to make sure i had another swab set done in which time the doctor said my pelvis looked fine and that the results i had before for my blood, urine and swabs might not be correct as the antibiotics may have effected them.....great i thought.

I started to feel better for about a week when the pain returned along with back pain, pain in my neck, throat, ears, headache and my tonsils had somewhat enlarged. I could also feel a gland in my groin again and the glands in my neck. I made another trip to the doctor who told me i had tonsilitus. i did a bad thing and Googled it (as we all do) and it seemed to make sense. He said just take ibuprofin and it will go in about a week. A week later and it still hadnt gone so i went back to see another doctor who tole me she thought it was a virus so i just had to wait it out. Another week later and I still have the same symptoms, inflamed tonsils, earache, headache, neck pain and swolen glands. i was going out of my mind so I went back to the doctors again and he said that it was all down to my anxiety. i am still struggling to beleive him as nothing has changed another week later plus i now have blurred vision to add to the list. He gave me antidepressents to cope with the stress so now i have no idea whats real and what isnt in terms of if theres anything wrong with me. My vision had worsened which I think is due to the antidepressents but who knows. Please if anyone has gone through anything similar please help me put my mind at rest. ive had so much time off work already and im worried about weather I should get my blood tests done again.

Thanks - looking for some reassurance

06-05-09, 20:54
Some virus's are a pain to shake off. Check my other posts. Ive just got over a virus that caused tonsilltis amongst other things, and even after two weeks plus a further week on antibiotics.... Im still suffering a little and its now four days since I took my last tablet. When you are run down with stress it takes your body longer to recover from a virus. Look after yourself, drink lots of fluid, eat sensible food and try and get plenty of sleep. You will be fine, it just takes time. x

07-05-09, 22:59
Hi Emmy. I too have had very similar issues.. I have been dealing with vision issues, numbness, tingling, irrational fears that some thing has GOT to be wrong! In fact, here is a post from another thread that I am in, and you can get an idea. It is really really common, our symptoms.. Don't google anything if you can help it... Do look in these forums for specific issues, and you will see that you are not alone! :) My symptoms just popped up out of the blue on day!.. Ain't we lucky..

"I worry about it way too much?!? I have had a sinus infection that maybe I can't shake? two rounds of anti-biotics. But my eyes hurt in the eyeball, and just above, switching from left to right. I know that I clench my jaw/teeth too, in my sleep and during the day. I have spondylosis in my neck, lots of tension and stiffness. I take Wellbutrin, which messes with my vision, and dries my eyes out. Then I stare at twin computer monitors for 8-10 hours a day. I tell myself that my anxiety mixed with the problems above is what makes my eyes hurt. I breathe bad, so I get tingling and numbness in my body, all over, arms, legs, back, and when I mix that with my headaches, eye issues, ! I have been to the doc several times, had xrays, neck mri, blood work, and eye docs and a counselor. No negative results, just anti-anxiety meds and anti-biotics. "