View Full Version : Bathing & showering!!!!!

06-05-09, 19:23
Oh blimey, so sick of this. I now get panic & anxiety when showering or bathing! Anyone else get this? My heart races & can't breathe properly. I don't seem to calm down til long after I'm outta the bathroom. I also get it sometimes when I'm washing up!!!! FFS what's going on??!!!

I'm wondering if the heart beating fast is the CFS, then I get panicky & heart beats even faster. I don't know:shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

Oh Lord, help us all:scared15: :scared15: :scared15:


06-05-09, 19:26
not heard of this one. Sounds dreadful. I do hope you get some useful replies. I am thinking of you, you sweet thing.

06-05-09, 19:28
I'm the same with a bath although i can deal with the shower.
The last time i got in the bath i was out within minutes. Made my heart race. I've avoided it since.

06-05-09, 19:40
Awww bless ya hun, i know how you feel, i find i get this a lot - mainly in the bath...sometimes in a shower, but i only have a bath at home so dont get it often. Best thing you can do is have as little water as possible in the bath and not too hot - just enough to make it nice!! In the shower, do your best to wash with your face away from the spray of water...
Thing is, this is all avoidance which REALLY wont help the panic in the long term :( I have just been away for weekend and there was a hot tub...i sat in it for as long as possible every day....since i got home i have managed a bath with no panic woohooo!
Maybe try sitting in the bath/shower...when you feel panic stay in as long as you can, get in and out of it a few times if you have to!

I do think this panic is very common, but the only way to beat it is to face it head on, same as the rest of our fears...soooo easy to say i know!! Bet you will get lots of replies from others who have this fear hun!


06-05-09, 20:58
UI get it when I shower but thats because im scared I will find some lump or bump whilst im washing that shouldnt be there.

07-05-09, 00:15
yep i get this even had to get out my baths are far from relaxing now.just try and sit it out as long as you can.

tayside lassie
07-05-09, 08:48
hi elspeth ... yes i get that too when in the shower i weary myself every day with the thought of having to go in ...i think it may have started with feeling faint in the shower a couple of year ago due to meno symptoms ...

07-05-09, 10:37
when i was in hospital 6 years ago i had my most massive panic attack and didnt know what the heck was happening! I had to make myself get in when i got home so i know what your saying.
I need a bath now and have been home sick for a week with anaemia, the worry at the moment is my heart! but im gonna go up in half an hour and make myself get in and soak, might put some music on, have you tried that, and i read in the bath! a habit i have passed on to my 10 year old as well.

hope your doing okay

Vanilla Sky
07-05-09, 10:54
This is how my last bout of panic started up again , i was having a nice bath and i got chest pains and panicked , luckily my partner was in the house and of course i ended up in A&E only to be sent home with indigestion . It took me a while to get back in the bath , i just had quick showers everyday for ages . I would suggest to you to go have a shower or bath when someone is with you untill the fear stops and it will . I love my hot bath now i lie in it for ages, on my own now ! You will get over this Love Paige x

07-05-09, 14:14
you are going through the mill atm elspeth , but when im in the bath i can see my heart beating through my skin no idea why it does it but its a horrible feeling hope your ok apart from this


07-05-09, 17:55
I get this too, i shower standing up (duhh) and if i bend down to pick something up or reach out to grab the shampoo, i can feel my heart beating fast.

08-05-09, 10:34
i panic when a go in the shower but i think it's more because i think something is going to happen and i'll need help and i'll be naked :roflmao::roflmao: when someone comes to help

deep breaths while showering helps me

08-05-09, 14:43
I get panicky about bathing too, i always take my mini dvd player the bathroom now and watch Friends while i'm in the bath or shower, it's a massive comfort.
I always get panicky about slipping over and hurting myself while i'm in the shower.