View Full Version : Feeling a bit better but.....

06-05-09, 20:50

I have been back to work for a month now after having 4 months off. Even though its still a struggle most days I am managing to get up in the morning and function ok. I have been on Citalopram for about 14 weeks now and they have definatley made a difference to he physical symptoms but I am still worrying alot about things, which I have no control over.My mind is still like a washing machine!!!:wacko: Does this mean the medication isnt working that well? I am having CBT to try and manage these thoughts but Im still finding it really hard to control them. Does anyone else feel the same?

06-05-09, 21:21
You have been doing so well to get back to work,well done Strawberry. I know from experience what the washing machine feeling is like ,and you have my sympathy,in my case it was on 24hrs a day,.I am also on cit,but my cycle eventually went on to drain,thank goodness,when i reached the 30mg stage.What dose are you on? and how long on that dose?.Are the things you are anxious about major problems that need sorting or just things that are blown out of proportion in your mind ? If its the later im sure with time the CBT will be of some help to you. Take care Sue

06-05-09, 21:56
Hi Suzy

I have been on 40mg for about 10 weeks now, I think my worrying is a bit of both really. My main worry though which I will never be able to resolve is my mum on her own with my young brother since my Dad died in accident this time a year ago. So my head has been full of worry since my Dad went really, I was a worrier before this but I just lived with it and it didnt get out of proportion like it has now. Im hoping things will ease up with time along with my grief which has probabley got alot to do with it I suppose.xxxx

06-05-09, 22:16
Im so sorry to hear about your Dad Strawberry.Its still early days,and you are bound to be concerned for your Mum and Brother.The cital should be effective by now ,but it wont take away the pain of something like that. Im sure you do what you can and thats all you can expect from yourself. If you are a naturally anxious person your bound to be feeling like this, but as you say,"with time it will get better." I hope things improve for you soon ,try to stay positive and try to focus on the future.Wishing you and your family lots of happy days ahead. love SUE:hugs: XX

07-05-09, 08:59
Hi Strawberry!

I too have been in your situation, on the same meds and haing the same thoughts. But someone told me something that really helped:

The meds can control your physical symptoms but you are in control of your head. The meds will give you "headspace" to learn to sort your thoughts into more tidy groups, so you can deal with them more effectively.

I hope that helps you like it helped me, i had a really good think about what it meant for me and then i did learn how to sort those jumbled thoughts out. Talk out loud to your brain when you are alone if it helps "I am overwhelmed at the moment, i am just going to deal with the thought about ......... Then i will deal with the next thought" I felt really silly talking to myself but it did really help. After a while my head prioritised almost on autopilot!

How ever you decide to deal with your washing machine just remember that the meds give you time to breathe, but if you don't work on your problems now they will still be there when you stop talking them.

Good luck and huge hugs!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

(PS: I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad)

08-05-09, 20:15
thanks for your advice Suzy and Lisa I think it is all just going to take time and I am going to have to be patient and carry on as best I can. It just does my head in when some days I feel like my old self and back to normal so I start making plans for future then the next day I can feel terrible again and not want to do anything. Oh well thats part of recovery I suppose. xxxxx