View Full Version : Do i have possible Lymphoma cancer?

06-05-09, 20:57
Hi. I am a 22 year old male and have been having recurring lumps in my armpit area for about 5 years now. I always thought it was due to the deoderant i was using cuz they would appear after i would use it. But recently i have had a small pea sized lump in my right armpit that will not go away. Even after i have stopped using deoderent for about 4 days now. I also tried popping it to see if it was a pimple or something but it got worse and a little pus came out. I was also looking at symptoms and one of them is night sweats which i have been getting alot recently. Do you think i have a possible case of lymphoma?

06-05-09, 21:13
Anything is possibly, but try to remember that it really is highly unlikely. If pus came out it would suggest it was a blocked sweat gland. I often get these in my grion, sometimes they last for months, the more i poke and prod the worse it gets.

The nights sweats can be a symptom of anxiety. If you are really concerned a doctor should be able to provide you with the reassurance you need.

06-05-09, 21:48
it could be a cyst, very common, especially if its got pus coming out, if you're worried or it doesn't go in a few more days pop to docs so he/she can reassure you

di xx

06-05-09, 22:44
I am sure it is some sort of spot if there is pus. If it was lymphoma there would be no pus I can assure you as my hubby has had Lymphoma, alhough he is ok now thank god!
The night sweats could be a symptom of anxiety which is quite common.

Hope this helps

Elaine x

07-05-09, 03:33
Im sure you would have more noticeable problems after five years if it was anything serious. I have been experiencing lumps in my armpits constantly for the past four months. Mine happen as a result of shaving under my arms and wearing tight fitting tops. The hair follicles get infected but they rarely come to the surface. I also have the same problem if my razor is not sharp enough. Coincidentally, its happened to me about ten times more often than usual since I became iron deficient.... this is both upstairs and downstairs if you know what I mean... to the point Ive even become afraid to shave my bikini line. What do you use to shave under your arms? soap? shaving gel? disposable razors? It can also make it worse using certain deodorants... maybe try changing from aerosol to roll on or a gel... or maybe unperfumed. Rest assured, if its oozing puss its more than likely just infected hair follicles. Loads of people get them. Just try and avoid clothes that fit tightly under your arms and see if anything changes.... I only have to do it for a day and I get lumps. In fact I wore a tight top all day two days ago and ive had a lump in my armpit ever since. Its just going down now x