View Full Version : Hard to sleep on Citalopram

06-05-09, 22:50
I have been taking Citalopram for three and a half weeks. Since taking citalopram I have found the general side effects not to bad apart from not being able to sleep. I had zopiclone for the first couple of weeks which I slept fine with, now I have stopped these I only get 2 to 4 hours sleep a night if that, though the next day I feel physically fine but feel anxiety about not getting enough sleep and having to much time to think. The med is defo making me feel better but the sleep issue counteracts this!

Was wondering if anybody knew wether this would wear off or wether there was another SSRI which did not have insomnia as a side effect?

06-05-09, 23:00
This does eventually wear off so try not to let it make you feel anxious.Have you thought about taking somthing herbal to help you for now though? If you take kalms night tabs only take half the recommendedd dose as it will knock you out and youll feel like a zombie all the next day.Night nurse tabs are good but only take half the dose again.The cit enhances the effects of these too. Hope this helps . Sue

06-05-09, 23:30
Hi, take your medication in the morning if you aren't already. I found that my sleeping habits started to return to normal after about 10 days on citalopram. When I changed to taking the tablets in the morning I had no further sleep interruptions.

06-05-09, 23:33

I like you had serious sleep issues at first. But Ive found that if you take them in the morning as has been previously said here then you will get some sleep at night time :)

06-05-09, 23:40
Yes ive been taking them in the morning. Cheers guys

07-05-09, 21:29
since taking mine i slept like a baby

08-05-09, 11:29
i feel much improved on cit but i dont sleep that well i tend too awaken during the night and toss and turn for a bit but the worse bit is upon waking i have a racing heart beat and feel a bit shaky too plus i have had some bizzare dreams and night sweats :ohmy: