View Full Version : soooooooooooo scared :'(

06-05-09, 23:57
for the past 3/4 days i've been feeling sick all the time, and not even been hungry.

and for about 3 months, at night time, my stomach bloats, and i dont just mean the feeling, it noticably makes me look ready to give birth! seriously - no exaggeration, its only at night :/ :S its so strange.

what do you think it could be? its mind boggling!

thanks in advance :):shrug:

07-05-09, 00:37
sounds like ibs hun. check with dr. as the day goes on my belly gets bigger.

07-05-09, 03:26
can i ask... do you eat late at night? and what kind of food do you usually eat in the evenings?