View Full Version : Another toilet query again

07-05-09, 08:08
I was wondering if anyone could tell when you do the loo if it can sometimes not be the same colour throughout (gross and tmi I know :blush: ). I went this morning and noticed it was lighter at one end and darker at the other not black just darker, as my HA is out of control at the moment I was right in there checking it:ohmy: , but there was definately no blood that I could see through it and ive no piles either just now, it was just with it being a different colour that scared me . Has anyone experienced this. Everything else is normal going once in the morning and im not constipated or the other extreme. It's just with my mum having had bowel cancer well you can guess how things like that make me feel.Any thoughts guys xxxxx

07-05-09, 08:38
kittykat get up to your GP's and request a bowel cancer screening kit http://www.cancerscreening.nhs.uk/bowel/.

BTW it is normal for stools to vary in colour...............What goes in must come out.

Try not to worry:hugs:

07-05-09, 10:52
Try not to worry because this will probably be just what you have eaten one day joining something different from the previous day/meal. If it is happening over a longer period then it is probably worth going to the doc just to ease your mind.

Hug, Ali x

07-05-09, 11:18
yes chocolatesundae has it right. when you eat, you food can take up to 24 hours to digest (depending on whether you eat meat). As you consume food it works its way into our bowel and gets digested. so different meals can produce different colouring once the nutrients etc have been removed. Partly responsible for the colouring is bile produced by our gall bladder. Bile contains a waste product from the destruction of old red blood cells. This bile pigment is called biliruben and is a large contributor to the colour of your faeces. The healthiest way to keep our bowels functioning weill is to eat lots of fiber as the roughness in texture scrapes away old debris that could potentially become infectious. Rest assured it is normal. Part of the digestive process in our bowels is to remove water, so it may be due to you needing a little more water intake to prevent potential constipation x

07-05-09, 13:16
I was wondering if anyone could tell when you do the loo if it can sometimes not be the same colour throughout (gross and tmi I know :blush: ). I went this morning and noticed it was lighter at one end and darker at the other not black just darker, as my HA is out of control at the moment I was right in there checking it:ohmy: , but there was definately no blood that I could see through it and ive no piles either just now, it was just with it being a different colour that scared me . Has anyone experienced this. Everything else is normal going once in the morning and im not constipated or the other extreme. It's just with my mum having had bowel cancer well you can guess how things like that make me feel.Any thoughts guys xxxxx
Hi kittykat

I get this this too and its lined to stress. Its like a symptom of IBS. It is because when you worry , the blood goes to main muscles in the body away from part that arent essential for the fight or flight mechanism which happens , sometimes permenantly, in people with HA. Its because parts of the food that have formed the poo have not been apsorbed properly becuase of the anxiety. I also got this after my cesarean section because my bowel had been inactive for a while with labour and all the pain drugs.

It sounds to me that this is the cauasof the two toned poo thing!!

Dont worry dear!!


07-05-09, 15:39
Aww, thanks guys for all the replies, its so good to know im not alone, and I have been really stressed at the moment , thanks again xx

07-05-09, 16:14
Faeces are all different colours depending on what you have eaten or what medication you are on. Iron tablets make the faeces almost black in colour. I have passed faeces with red things in which have been tomato skin.

What goes in comes out and not always in the same order.