View Full Version : Replying to health anxiety questions

07-05-09, 08:54
I was just wondering.
When you post a question on here, what's the type of answer that helps you the most?
Does it help you more when you receive a reply that offers you sympathy and understanding, or does it help to know someone else has the same problem or does a no nonsense ''you are just panicing" reply help?


07-05-09, 09:07
It helps to know that im not alone in some of my symptoms but at other times some replies can freak me out, if say like go to doctors and there not specific why, is it because something is sinister, cant win :biggrin: sometimes xx

07-05-09, 09:19
hiya mick

when i post with a problem i look for replies on ppl who have had the same symptom or problem,then i don't feel alone in what i am going through.
but it does help at times for people to be blunt and tell me it is just a pa don't worry .

jodie xx

07-05-09, 09:25
i am going to say all of them help at different times and i love coming on here then i know i am not alone and everyone is so helpful and kind from tracy

07-05-09, 09:29
Howdy Mick

For me, i am more reasured when someone posts to say they have or have had the same symptoms. It makes me feel like what ever i am going through at the time is less serious than i thought it was and that if someone else has gone through the same then i will get through it too.


07-05-09, 09:52
I've found it's more help when someone says they have had the same problems. Even if they havn't an answer to the problem it's much better help than having a doctor say 'it's common, don't worry about it'
Most of us on here know our anxieties are irrational, but that's why they are anxieties I guess.


07-05-09, 10:01
I agree, it's very re-assuring to hear similar stories to your own and it's also nice for people to tell you to stop worrying and get on with your life! I'm going through a period of bad anxiety at the moment and it does help when people re-assure you that you will come out the other side.

07-05-09, 11:32
Hiya Mick

I find it most helpful when someone else has or had the same symptoms or problems.

Although sometimes i read other posts that cause me some anxiety:ohmy:

Overall this site is something i couldn't do without, so thanks to everyone:D

Trish x

07-05-09, 12:37
I also take comfort from knowing that people here have experienced the same symptoms. I'd rather have replys to my posts that say "I'm in the same boat as you..." rather than supportive posts, although they are very nice i need reassurence.

I've used nomorepanic alot this week and it's been a comfort to know others have been feeling the way i have.

07-05-09, 13:29
i like the factual answers so when people say ' the reason why you have mouth ulcers is because anti biotics strip your body of vitamin b' etc its good when people reasure you but its better if someone has been in the same situation too x

07-05-09, 13:47
If someone has facts or experiences similar symptoms I feel better.

Plus even if someone just responds...it makes me feel a little better coming on here and talking about it.

07-05-09, 14:34
I try not to do sympathy posts and say "there there it will be ok" as that doesn't help.

My replies will sometimes sound harsh as if someone asks if they are being silly thinking they have xyz I will probably reply and tell them they are (if I really believe they are).

Sometimes if I cannot offer any advice I won't even reply rather than reply and sympathise.

I think people like facts and reasons why they get these things.

07-05-09, 15:04
I'm with you on that one Nomorepanic, If i read someones post but i haven't experienced their symptoms then I won't reply because if i just say "im so sorry your going through this but i've never had this problem", then what use is that? I want to be able to reassure someone.