View Full Version : Can anxiety cause your teeth to ache?

07-05-09, 09:26
I’m currently going through a bad period with my anxiety (suffering from light-headedness and a metallic taste and smell) and for the past two days, I have been experiencing teeth ache.

I went for my hygienist appointment yesterday and at the end I asked her if anxiety is causing my teeth to ache and all she said was “anxiety can cause many things” and left it at that.

With my teeth aching, metallic taste/smell and light-headedness, I’m starting to doubt all this is anxiety bases and something serious is up.

If anybody can help reassure me that anxiety can cause many symptoms, as once then I would be grateful, as my check-up at the doctors is not until the 14 May 2009.


07-05-09, 10:00
Hello :hugs:
I also get 'teeth ache'. I also get the metallic taste you mentioned. I did have a dental phobia which i finally conquered (after 5 years) and my dentist assures me my mouth is fine.

07-05-09, 10:57
I have had wierd toothaches before now. I even had a period where it was so painful I was sure I had an abcess. Ended up at A & E because the dentist kept saying there was nothing wrong! Still don't know what caused it, but still get ti from time to time. It can be sensitive teeth, because nerves are exposed a little. You could try rubbing sensodyne toothpaste along the gums for a few days. But, it so easily could be from muscle tension in the face and head. Maybe you are clenching your jaw and grinding your teeth without realising, this can also make them sensitive.

Try the sensodyne, it can't hurt.

07-05-09, 11:24
Yes it is very likely just due to grinding your teeth in your sleep. I had a night brace given to me from my dentist to prevent it when I was younger. It did the trick. Also the metallic taste could be due to small amounts of bleeding from grinding your teeth.

07-05-09, 11:39
I have the same symptoms and am told by my dentist the headaches and toothaches are caused by teeth grinding in your sleep!

I am having the grind on my teeth monitored at the mo as sometimes it is really bad and I may need a mouth guard at nightime to prevent the tooth damage!

Oh - the joys!


07-05-09, 11:42
I have the same symptoms and am told by my dentist the headaches and toothaches are caused by teeth grinding in your sleep!

I am having the grind on my teeth monitored at the mo as sometimes it is really bad and I may need a mouth guard at nightime to prevent the tooth damage!

Oh - the joys!



Yesterday, the hygienist said that I have ginivitus and when she wascleaning my teeth, they did bleed etc.

If there was something wrong with my gums, would the hygienist of notied?
Where I told her about the ache, she said she could see nothing wrong but to see a dentist if symtom persists etc, which my checkup is due August.

I noticed this morning, when I woke up, there was no tooth ache but it came on during the morning and the ache moves around from tooth to tooth etc.

I'm a little worried as somebody told me your teeth will become loose with sinus cancer.


08-05-09, 10:06
You need some antibacterial mouthwash to clear up the Gingivitis. Corsodyl should help.
I suffer with bleeding gums too, but it is common.

eternally optimistic
08-05-09, 11:33

I too am not too keen on the dentist, but do go regularly.

I have twice made appointments, which wasnt an easy decision, to discuss the aches and pain in my face and jaw/mouth area.

He said there was nothing wrong with my teeth and that it was probably stress. (He had no idea that I had been suffering from this).

08-05-09, 20:03
Hi all,

I have been experincing throbbing of the gums today and the tooth ache, moves around the mouth, do you think concentrating on this, would prolong these symtoms because I'm new to anxiety/teeth symtoms.


08-05-09, 20:20
Hi reddevil you probably don't realise that you're clenching your teeth and causing the toothache.

I suck my tongue against the roof of my mouth and don't realise until I wake up with a sore tongue....Hahaha, I'm actually doing it now!!!:ohmy:

09-05-09, 17:33

I too am not too keen on the dentist, but do go regularly.

I have twice made appointments, which wasnt an easy decision, to discuss the aches and pain in my face and jaw/mouth area.

He said there was nothing wrong with my teeth and that it was probably stress. (He had no idea that I had been suffering from this).


Did your dentist say stree/anxiety can cause this?


09-05-09, 18:52
What have a done?

I just googled "can anxiety cause gum/tooth ache"?

The responce I found was a yahoo forum, with somebody asking and somebody said NO but it is a red flag warning for your heart...!

What do I do now?

When I visited my doctor yesterday, he looked all around my mouth, checked them with his fingers and said "tension can cause it"...!


09-05-09, 19:53
Hi all,

I have been experincing throbbing of the gums today and the tooth ache, moves around the mouth, do you think concentrating on this, would prolong these symtoms because I'm new to anxiety/teeth symtoms.


Yes i think you are focusing on it too much but i do know how hard it can be to not think about it.
Mine ached for years and i have been given the all clear, i'm sure it's anxiety.

09-05-09, 23:11

The pain moves from tooth to tooth and I have noticed the pain goes when I eat or suck sweets, is this a good sign?


10-05-09, 16:44
The responce I found was a yahoo forum, with somebody asking and somebody said NO but it is a red flag warning for your heart...!

Please please be careful about what you post here from other forums. I read that and now I'm anxious. My bottom teeth have been feeling funny and hurting a bit. I also get bleeding gums but only sometimes, like maybe once a month.

There is a name for this condition, where you are stress and it causes gum/teeth pain and you also grind your teeth at night because of it. I don't remember the name, maybe someone here can enlighten me.

10-05-09, 20:02
Would be nice if somebody could remember what it is called or experianced it.

This afternoon, I tested my teeth by having an ice-cream and a cold drink of coke and both off them never hurt my teeth, which I was wondering if this is anxiety what's causing it.


10-05-09, 20:17
I think it's called TMJ, not sure.

12-05-09, 17:34
Well, today I went to see dentist, who to I explained everything.

She checked the teeth and gums and then did an x-ray, and everything was normal and healthy.

I asked could anxiety cause this and all she said was if your tense your jaw.

So, I left the dentist and I suppose I will have to accepted that I will have to cope with the pain...!
It does tend to ease a little towards the late evening after taking my amitriptyline.


12-05-09, 17:48
sounds as if you have nerve pain..which i have. and take amitryptiline for that..maybe you should ask to get your dosage put up..only a suggestion..but it has helped me

12-05-09, 17:57

Funny you said that, I just put this on the medication forum:


After seeing my doctor last week, I asked about trying a different kind of medication because my anxiety has got worse of late.

The doctor said it is best to stay on my Amitriptyline as all the other medications, which I have tried, gave me horrid side effects, which he decided to take me off them.

He said I'm on a low dose of Amitriptyline (50mg), which I was on for headaches, caused from anxiety, which the starting dose for anxiety on these is around 70mg raising to 150mg.

We talked and he said I could go from 50mg to 70mg then to 90mg and gave me a choice of splitting them up through the day or carry on taking them in the evening.

I tried 20mg in the morning, 20mg in the afternoon and 50mg in the evening, which I got tired on them and decided to take them in the evening. like I have for the past year.

The two questions I have:

1) How long would it take for 70mg to kick-in, even though I have been on 50mg for a year?

2) Taking them in the evening, does it stay in your system the next day and l help me get through the next day?

Thank you,


13-05-09, 19:05

How would I tell if I'm clenching my jaw?

People have suggested to be today that the teeth and jaw ache, could be caused by my jaw being clenched?

I'm also sure that I do not grind my teeth..!


15-05-09, 02:04
I am not sure, but I too am suffering from excruciating jaw pain as of yesterday. I'm not sure what caused it, but it seemed to come on randomly. Seems like I can never get a rest from pain anymore. Once one thing stops hurting, another thing starts. I can relate to what you are going through though. Hope you find out the cause of your pain and that it stops for you!

15-05-09, 09:34
Hi Reddevil :)
A lot of people clench their jaw tightly when they are asleep apparently. It may be that you are doing this? I am not sure if I do this but I often find my right side jaw especially feels painful sometimes and achy.
When I was at my worst with anxiety, and constantly being sick, my mouth would then get lots of blisters and my teeth would ache a lot, and become very sensitive. My gp told me it was caused by the acid produced from being sick so often.
I hope your pain soon goes. I find massaging along my jaw line for a while often helps with the pain.

18-05-09, 11:26
May be but risk could not be taken on value of dental health and oral care.

18-05-09, 11:34
Yes, Red, I experience this, too. I have been diagnosed with TMJ. I clench my teeth ALL the time it seems and I am not even always aware of it. Sometimes I'll just catch myself. I also chew the inside of my cheek as well. It's all an outlet our body uses to release excessive stress. Hugs, Wiskers~

18-05-09, 12:56
If you're clenching your jaw - which I do all the time since starting citalopram - that can cause headaches, tension, jawache and toothache - it has become a habit to do this and I don't always notice straight away. Funnily enough I find clenching my jaw does help to ease feelings of tension - it used to help a lot when I was really suffering with anxiety and side effects.

18-05-09, 19:41
Hi all,

Yesterday, I was feeling top of the world, teeth ache had eased but I woke up today with left chest pain, which I was worried about my heart.


When I asked the doctor last week about it being my heart, he said no and listened to my chest, which I'm assuming he could tell and my blood pressure was fine?

Can I assume this is ok as doctor did those tests?


29-05-09, 13:42
I have a night guard because i was clenching my jaw at night(unknown to me!) i had terrible pains and eventually went to the dentist who made me th night guard! no pains now

25-06-09, 12:55
Hi all,

The aching of my gums (feels like the teeth) is back, been with me for two days and I'm finding it hard to think how anxiety would cause this?

Anybody have the answer and is it common?


25-06-09, 12:57
Have you seen the dentist about a mouthguard that stops you grinding your teeth at night and holds the jaw in a better position?

25-06-09, 13:35
Have you seen the dentist about a mouthguard that stops you grinding your teeth at night and holds the jaw in a better position?


I went to see a dentist in march and she said my gums looked fine so I asked her about anxiety and all she said was tension in the jaw could cause it.
Apart from that, she offered me no mouth guard or any other advice.

My checkup is due August (i think).

I don't know what to do, accept it and wait until checkup as I guess it is not a doctor issue.

My doctor chekup was last Thursday and I told him I was fine, so running back days after might not be the ideal thing to do.


09-07-09, 11:04
My teeth seem to be getting worse, not sure if it is because of my anxiety or something serious wrong.

They all tend to ache and feel wierd, kind of a tingle sensation and sometimes it feelm like the top teeth, then the left side etc.

Also, the top five teeth have also been bleeding but I'm not sure if it is because I have moved to an electric toothbrush.

There does not seem to be many threads on anxiety and teeth, so I guess this is also adding wood to the fire.

I phoned the dentist and I'm in on the 11th August.


09-07-09, 11:12

Anxiety can cause the teeth to clench & grinde, not sure about bleed tho.

Visit the dentist to make sure all is ok.


10-07-09, 14:50

I'm sure that I'm not grinding my teeth but what does it mean and how would I tell if I'm clenching my jaw?

If I was doing this, would that cause my teeth and gums to ache?
