View Full Version : Disciplinary Nightmare

07-05-09, 11:15
Just looking for some support - I am just about to fall to pieces!

Returned to work after 3 weeks off due to change of meds - A nice present on my return, I have a disciplinary hearing at work for 6 periods of sick in 10 months!

Nobody understands why - They think I should just be better now, as if I have just been off with a cold! I am so upset and my head is all over the shop - I don't know what to do :weep:


07-05-09, 11:29
Hi there,

Im really sorry to hear that its just what u dont need at this time .
Did u have a DR'S note for the time off work??

Im here if u need to talk !!

07-05-09, 11:45
Thanks for that fellow Angel :hugs:

Yeah I had doctors notes for some of them. I have IBS also so those have just been a few days here and there so I didn't need a doctors note!

I actually hate this job and have been on the look out for something new but it's hard times at the mo!

It is so frustrating they don't understand that the last thing you need when you are feeling low is something like that - The sadness has past now I am angry! :mad:

Not good really it starts me feeling on edge and I can't sit still!


07-05-09, 12:37
I know exactly how you feel, my work did the same thing to me - I had 2 disciplinaries in the space of a week, one for taking a later train into work, one for absence, even though they were both related to the same thing.

They were both dismissed though, as my manager was less than honest about my anxiety problem when she started the process.

Have you read the Disability Discrimination Act at all? I didn't have to use it for mine (although I had it all prepared), but it sets out guidelines for workplace discrimination, and mental health is covered. You should also try and get your work to send you to Occupational Health if they can - my work have finally agreed to send me, and my doctor told me that it can sometimes help your workplace to be more understanding.

Is this your first disciplinary? Have they tried to solve the problem informally, or conducted any return to work interviews? Remember that they can't just discipline you without a hearing. The hearing is a chance for you to put your point across.

I made it clear in mine that I felt that I had been given no support from anyone in the company, despite making it clear to 2 managers of the problems I was having. I think they got a bit worried as all workplaces have a duty of care to their employees...

If you feel that you have been treated unfairly in the disciplinary process you can appeal.

If you are worried give ACAS a ring...their website is pretty good too.

Hope this helps :)