View Full Version : Oh god please help me :(

07-05-09, 11:50
Right iv just been to see a specialist about my anal and rectal pains, and I think he used a scope, to see anything, he said he couldn't see anything, but what from that will he have been looking for? Im scared I have a rectal tumer. He has referred me to have a syndoscopy thing, im so scared :( xxxx

07-05-09, 12:51
If you had a rectal tumour he would have seen something.

When I was first diagnosed with Crohn's I had a rigid sigmoioscopy which is just the tail end of the bowel and rectum (probably what you had) and mine was massively red and inflammed so he took a biopsy straight away.

If there was a tumour then it would have been like mine and all inflammed and red and angry looking.

What is a syndoscopy?

07-05-09, 13:04
I think it was a scope cos I didn't have to clear my bowel with Lazatives before hand and it only lasted like not even a minute really. Will he have been looking Up the rectum do you reckon? Thanks for the reply btw :)

07-05-09, 14:12
if anything bad was up he would of spotted it, prob doing the other test for your reassuarance as they do sometimes good luck


09-05-09, 19:06
And i meant he'd refered me for a flexible sigmoioscopy xx

09-05-09, 19:28
Yes that is what I had next Alex. There is a whole forum dedicated to it and my post is under there.

09-05-09, 19:38
Be thoughtfull, not scared. whatever the problem is its best to get it cured. go and have these tests then you will know everything and whats got to be done. Then you can cope with it, treatment or all clear.

09-05-09, 20:00
But I just think its too late for me, like iv been having these pains since september and im scared if they fine anything then they won't be able to do anything about it. Xx

09-05-09, 20:07
But nothing showed in the blood tests or with the test last week.

I just buried a friend today that died of rectal cancer so I do know about these things I am afraid to say.

09-05-09, 20:11
Hi Alexy, I know its easy for me to say but doctors do tests, thats what they do. They prescribe pills and they order tests. It doesn't mean the doc is worried in the least. It is just their job to refer you on if the problem is not resolving. They will just do tests and then say, Oh well we don't know whats causing the pain. I have had many tests such as this done.

I believe there are some conditions that can cuase spasm and cramp in the anal rectal area, have you researched any possible causes. Tumours rarely cause pain. There are many symptoms which come before any pain. Do you have any bleeding?

09-05-09, 20:58
Just wondering was that comment about knowing about these things meant to be positive or negative? :( I feel like iv annoyed you and im sorry if I have. Im really scared now you said that, I thought it was kinda rare :s and iv spotted blood a few times, but I had 2 blood stool tests both came back clear. So I dunno, its just my tailbone hurts sometimes too, and that can be a symptom so its made me so worried :sxx

09-05-09, 22:39
Hi ya,
I know how you feel - I always try to read into everything my doctor does/doesn't do and it takes my mind to places it really should avoid. But first of all: Cancer is not at all the likeliest thing (I have to tell myself this on a regular basis), there's lots of things you can have which cause bad discomfort in the anal/rectal area. I've had haemorrhoids and oh my god, it was awfully painful. There will be dozens of conditions that can cause you pain down there.

Secondly, it's really good that your doctor is referring you to have more tests because it means he's being thorough and you may be able to resolve the whole thing, get treated for whatever it is (if you need it) and stop feeling awful both physically and mentally.

Good luck with it all!

09-05-09, 22:46
Alexy - you didn't annoy me at all - I was trying to tell you that I do not think you have a problem at all and you will be fine.

You do not have the signs and symptoms of rectal cancer that is all.

Sorry if I worried you at all. I didn't mean to.

11-05-09, 18:34
Hey, Nicola its fine, i was just worried id upset you, im glad i haven't:)
And thank you Valka, how long did your haemorrhoids last for? and the pain from them?

11-05-09, 18:52
Did they see any haemorrhoids? They can be very, very painful.

11-05-09, 19:25
No Alex of course not :hugs:

I just want to see you well and not worrying :yesyes:

11-05-09, 19:30
Nope, he didn't see anything from that, im just hoping that thats what he might see on the sigmoidoscopy thing:S But i just feel like he would have done already:s How long can they last?

And thanks Nicola:)hope your well