View Full Version : increasing cipralex dose

07-05-09, 12:37
Hi there

This is my first post on the forum.

I'm a 44 year old, female GAD sufferer. I've probably suffered from anxiety all my life (anxious/depressed parents and unsettled childhood), but had my first major panic attack about 20 years ago. I battled through with bouts of anxiety & then went onto Cipralex about 4 years ago but came off it after feeling better about 2 years later. I suffered the worst relapse 8 weeks ago & after seeing the doctor tried to get back onto Cipralex. I suffered major anxiety so have struggled to take it. Thankfully I eventually did!!

I've been on Cipralex for 4 weeks & my consultant suggested increasing the dose from 10mg to 15mg. As I suffered really bad side effects within the first 3 weeks (which have only just started to settle down - I am still getting days and nights of panic and anxiety), I am concorned the side effects return when I increase the dose. Anyone have any experience of increasing the amount of Cipralex taken?

Good to know there are fellow sufferers out there. Can be a lonely and scary place sometimes


07-05-09, 12:45
Hi and :welcome:

We have a whole sub-forum dedicated to that medication so have a read of the posts in there and I am sure your question will be answered.

10-05-09, 10:44
Hi Phoebe, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

10-05-09, 12:55
hi phoebe how r u doing today?

10-05-09, 15:12
Hello Phoebe, Welcome to NMP , lots of help advice and understanding members here , glad you found the site , take care:welcome: Duskess x

11-05-09, 14:28
Hi Phoebe,

Welcome to NMP. You will find that many here will understand how you have been feeling and will offer their support. I'm not on that particular med but I know if you are particularly sensitive to meds you might feel a bit rough for a few days due to an increase but not as bad as you did when you first went on them. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


14-05-09, 10:32
Hi Phoebe
I have had about the same situation as you, previous anxiety and depression and medication, but probably didnt stay on for longer than a year and my gp has now told me it will be long term - if not for ever - but i have suffered so much in the last 10 weeks that i have literally just existed so im in no hurry to come off them this time. I was feeling almost back to normal week 7-8 and then suddenly felt really bad again - my gp put me up to 15mg cipralex - i cant really say if they made my anxiety any worse because i was in such a state anyway - BUT what I can tell you is that it will be 10 weeks on Sunday (not that im counting!) and this week I have definitely improved - still get that feeling that I want to put the quilt over my head in the morning but I push myself out of bed get the kids sorted and to school and come home and try and get something done - or i go to work which is only 2 days, i feel a bit more anxious on these days but i just wanted to reassure you that it took me really a long time to actually have moments when I thougt "hang on I feel a bit normal" - so much luv to you, youre not on your own and it will get better. Shrimp