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Scaredy cat
23-08-05, 15:09
Hi all,

I'm new and I've just come accross this fabulous forum.

I'm a 30 year old female and I'm due to go in to hospital for an operation on my eye. I had a squint when I was 2 and wear and tear has weakened the eye muscle, meaning I have to have another operation to straighten the eye. Trouble is, I'm absoloutely petrifyed of hospitals [:O] and the thought of going in for surgery is sending me into panic mode.

Has anyone been through this? I'm just so scared and I really don't know what to expect. I'm really desperate for help and support :( .

I had thought of, maybe, trying hypnotherapy. Does anyone have any experience of this?

Please help me!

Scaredy cat. x

23-08-05, 15:54
Hi cat I not long ago went for eye surgery, I had a cataract removed and a growth removed, and I was so so scared I am the same with the dentist. The eye in question had gone fully blind but I still cancelled and cancelled the surgery, I was just 100% sure I was going to die of the fright when I got there I was so so scared. I made so many excuses to put it off over and over again, I have been registered blind for about 6 years but the one eye went fully and I couldn’t see enough with other eye to watch TV read or go out as I couldn’t see traffic. God knows how I done it but I did go on the 30 of June, the surgery was risky as I have retnor and macular problems but I had nothing to lose as the eye had no sight at all, but this didn’t stop me cancelling because of the terrific fear I had. Any way I went, but before I went I told my surgeon about my anxiety and she said ok so she made sure the anaesthetist she wanted was with her when she done the surgery as she said he was good with people like us. I didnt go to sleep as that was another of my fears but on arrival I told them again of my problem and the anaesthetist gave me a good sedative which really did relax me loads. Why not phone your surgeon or his/her sectary and tell them how you suffer and ask if they could sedated you on arrival? That’s what I did and to be honest its all the fear in your mind as the surgery was nothing. I even went to the dentist about 3 weeks after, after suffering years with tooth pain. Anyway I can see lots more now than I have for many many years and would be scared but would definitely go again if need be. I now watch TV go out alone and do jobs in the garden and home, which I hadn’t done for so many years. Keep us all informed how you do, good luck. Vernon

23-08-05, 17:02
Hello! I'm new to this forum too and its helped a lot in just the past 2 days. My mom also gets panicky when she goes to hospitals, even just to visit someone becuase she was very sick a few years ago and spent a lot of time there. I think Vernon's advice on talking to your doctor about it before hand its a great idea. I just couldnt see a doctor not understanding. Also my therapist taught me a good way to relax myself, that you might try even days leading up to your surgery. :)

Its a self relaxtion therapy and Ive also read in books that people use it as a quick meditation to clear your head. Sit or lay in a quiet place and imagine every part of you body relaxing. (haha i feel like a therapist myself.lol) after you concetrate on relaxing every part of your body take a series of 10 deep breaths (or more). Not quick ones tho, breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and really draw each one out.

While you do this 10 times, let different thoughts go through your head. You can think about your hospital worry just dont let it stay in your thoughts for more than a few seconds. and think of all kinds of things! lol dont purposely try to think of something specific just be really open and let any kinds of thoughts pass in and out of your head BUT while paying atention to your breathing at the same time! ;)

It sounds kinda wierd, I know, but it really does help me A LOT. and even when you dont have a quiet place to go to, or youre with a lot of people and feel this way, you dont have to start "meditating" lol just make sure all your muslces are relaxed and everything. Peolple tend to tighten up there shoulders and back when they are stressed and remembering to relax them once in awhile really helps to relieve stress. Well, good luck to you! and I'm sure when your surgery is over you will feel more than wonderful!


23-08-05, 17:55
I used Hypno therapy to prepare me for childbirth the last time, and although it didnt eleviate the pain or take away the fear that I have of hospitals, it certainly did allow me to remain calm and cope with being there.

pm me and I will give you some more details if you like.

With regards to operations I had my tonsils out when I was about 26 and I was such a baby, I convinced myself I would not wake up again and was scared of everything, an awful patient. When I came round and realised I was alive I was so relieved, I went back to sleep and slept for 2 days solid!!!!!!


23-08-05, 18:05
Lots of good advice there, all of which helps.

Perhaps having something to fiddle with can help a bit - I know someone on here mentioned playing with a bit of blu tac as it gave her fingers something to do.

I fiddle with my beaded bracelets when I'm nervous which I've learnt to do in a soothing manner.

Last year I had to have a gastroscopy and told the team exactly how I was feeling and they could not have been nicer, so I would also advise telling any medical staff concerned.

Love Piglet:)

Scaredy cat
24-08-05, 09:59
Lordy, thank you for your replies! :D

Vernon: what an inspiring story. You've been through so much, my problem seems so small now. I'm glad that things have turned out well for you. You're right, I'll have t have a word with the surgeon and see what he can do for me. I kinda like the sound of the sedative though! How did they give it to you? how long did it take to work? How long before the surgery was it administered? And (finally, lol!) how did it make you feel? Sorry for all the questions! [:I]

~Mary~: The relaxation therapy you mentioned sounds fantastic. I will definately be giving that a go. Thanks! :)

Cinders: I shall be pm-ing you for the details of the hypnotherapy, thanks! I hope I sleep solidly for 2 days after coming round, lol!!! :D

Piglet: That's a good point! I'm forever wringing my hands and playing with my hair when I'm nervous. If I had a beaded bracelet it would be more soothing than tearing my hair out at the roots, lol! [:O]:)

Again, I'd like to thank you all so much for replying and giving me such wonderful advice and support. I haven't had a date for the operation as yet, but I will keep you fully informed.

I'm so glad I found this forum :D, I thought I was going to give myself a heart attack with all the worry. :(

Scaredy cat. x

24-08-05, 12:18
Hi Cat, I got the sedative soon after I arrived, I took a Vallium before I went to the hospital but this done nothing My fear was much to strong and it just overpowered the Vallium. ( I did tell the anaesthetist I took this). I was so so high scared and asking so many questions my wife said I was driving everyone mad there lol. He gave me three little pills as I said I had chest tightness and tummy upset too but proberly all to do with anxiety, Within 15 mins of the pills I felt doped and tired and by 15 mins wife said I was snoring so loud lol. The come and woke me up to take me to surgery I was aware of what was happening but didn’t really feel scared or bothered. The injection to freez my eye was painless really (A lot les painful than dentist needle) I remember the surgery but seen nothing only a light. I felt real calm and tired with the sedative, but was fine after the surgery, just so happy I finally done it, it was midday so I ate a big dinner and felt wide-awake lol. Hope this answers some of your fears. Feel free to ask or PM me anytime. Take care. Vernon

Scaredy cat
25-08-05, 10:34
Hi Vernon!

Thanks again for taking the time to answer my endless questions, lol, it's much appreciated! :D

I will definately be asking for the sedatives.

Your posts have been of great help and comfort to me.

Bless you!

Scaredy cat. x

25-08-05, 14:58
thanks nicky real glad i could help you. vernon