View Full Version : going mad?

07-05-09, 15:03
I have just had a chest x ray and endoscopy and both were normal but i still cant stop thinking theres something going on because i feel so ill.I cant stop thinking whats causing my backpain,fatigue and nausea and i am driving myself mad and my partner.How do you stop thinking about it all the time when the pain and fatigue are there all the time?

07-05-09, 15:07
Sounds like panic symptoms.

07-05-09, 15:59
Hi Zippy,
Your not going mad, you are just showing classic symptoms of anxiety/panic. despite being told by an expert that there's nothing wrong you are still focusing on these sympoms and therefore convincing yourself that there is somethin wrong. I can talk from experience because I had convinced myself that I had MS despite going to see a neurologist who specialised in MS who told me i didn't have it!!
Try to stopthinking about your symptoms negatively ie oh my god i have back pain and it must be something sinister! Try thinking, ok i have back pain, im tired and feel sick. 90% of the population have back pain which is harmless, your tired because worrying and being anxious is completely exhausting and takes so much out of your body and secondary to this it can make you nauseous as your digestive system starts to become sluggish as all the blood is redirected to your heart and brain as your body tries to maintain itself and protect you from the anxiety.
I know its easy for me to say and when you feel like that (as i have often) you just don't belive anyone. try some distraction techniques, read a book, talk to a friend etc and some deep breathing exercises. What happens to your symptoms do the lessen? Even slightly? if so then it definately anxiey and the first step to recovering from that is admitting to yourself that this is what the problem is.

keep wellx

07-05-09, 16:03
Zippy, how is your diet? That may have something to do with the fatigue, also your sleep habits...do you try to go to bed the same time every night? How many hours do you usually get? Tell me about your back pain, where is it? If you take one thing at a time, maybe you can figure out the cause and begin to fix it.

07-05-09, 16:17
my diet was good when i started getting the back pain and i get about 7hrs sleep at night.The pain is in my right shoulder blade and its there all the time and it hurts when i pull my shoulders back in the right shoulder blade.I had it for 2 month and when it didnt go i started worrying it was something sinister.I have had my bloods done a few week ago and they were ok.I dont know if the nausea and loose bowels and fatigue are associated with the pain or just with worry.