View Full Version : First Mild Panic attack?

07-05-09, 16:35
Sooo, I am sitting here. Just had a little chat with someone who had bladder cancer at age 22 in the chatroom...And I can just feel getting trouble with breathing, now I am already terrified of a lump that I can feel in my throat, and this breathing problem comming in aint helping one bit...
Its asif my breath gets stuck at times when breathing. also some slight trouble swallowing...I just feel like sticking a finger down my throat & seeing if I can feel anything but I know I shouldn't....could anyone expain what they feel when they get one of these panic attacks?

07-05-09, 16:45
I can't swallow...I get really bad chest pains...I twitch and shake...I have heart palpitations...feels like I can't breathe. And I cough...a lot.

07-05-09, 16:51
You'll be ok, panic attacks are horrible but they can't harm you. If i'm having one or i'm panicking and feeling it could turn into a panic attack then i watch my comfort dvd's, Friends :-) and doing puzzle books is also a great distracting, i do the childrens ones because they aren't hard so your brain is busy thinking of the answers you need to fill in and you can work through them quicker.

Usually i get nausea (feeling sick and sometimes retching, for the first time yesterday i was actually sick due to my panic attack), tight throat, problems swallowing as you said or swallowing uncontrolably, tight chest, chest pain, hot flushes, cold, shivering or shaking, not being able to speak, stomach ache, diareah, short of breath, hyperventilating.

It's rare that i get all these symptoms at the same time but there's genrally atleast 3 of those going on at once.

07-05-09, 17:18
hiya kraggy, i know exactly what your on about! ive had that before, where i feel like there is something in my throat and blocking it, and it lasted for a while! i was thinking i had every think under the sun! but dont worry about it, it is just one of those unexplainable weird and wonderful things we feel when were having abit of a panic! all the best! x

07-05-09, 17:21
and as for the breathing, try and be calm. and keep busy, or just take 5 mins out and try and calmly breath. also what miss_moose said about the kiddies puzzles, they are relaxing, you dont get frustrated like the adult ones! x

07-05-09, 22:32
Thanks for the answers all!

Sorry I could not answer before, but I had to head for work immedietly after writing this post...About 1 hour after the post the breathing finally started to stabilize..Work didn't go to well and I ended up not finishing the work I usually do...But meh, They didn't mind once in a while..Luckely

The symptons I had were: Hot Flushes in the face, Diarreah, Weird breathing (Asif it got stuck in my throat, Really hard to explain. Asif something blocks your lungs for half a second) and the feeling of a lump in my throat.

08-05-09, 02:11
hi there kraggy. that sounds very similar to my symptoms when i had a panic attack a couple of years ago. i couldn't breathe, had massive tingling in my hands, felt like the air just couldn't get through my throat. just awful. luckily that was the only one that i've had, but it was an unbelievably terrifying experience. i definitely feel your pain and understand what you're going through!

08-05-09, 12:25
It does sound like a panic attack, those are the symptoms that i usually get when i'm having one, and it can take a while to calm down, everything you say fits in the symptoms of a panic attack.