View Full Version : liver hematoma!!

07-05-09, 18:33
hi all have been having reflux gastro probs from last august and have just had ultrasound scan dooc says everything fine but there were a few hematomas on my liver!! but nothin to worry about and come back in few months for another scan to chk again i now need an ogd which ive had before an hate.. my worry is wot are hematomas and are they fatal can anyone help please many thanks:ohmy:

House fan
07-05-09, 19:02
Hi Bytheby

Hematoma's found in the liver are usually the result of trauma, and are pretty rare. Have you been in an accident recently?


07-05-09, 20:32
hi no i havent been in an accident! im so worried about it many thanks for your reply

House fan
07-05-09, 20:37
You have absolutely nothing to worry about. They are more than likely ruptured cysts, and are no threat to life or health.

The ultrasound would have picked up any abnormalities, and your doctor knows this also. He will do another test out of routine and nothing else. Buy some Milk Thistle and Taurine, and start eating more fresh fruit and vegetables.

Liver Hematoma's will not affect your life in any way so please do not worry.
