View Full Version : My Symptoms

23-08-05, 16:09
I thought i'd list all my symptoms to see if there all anxiety related.

If i go out which is not much apart from on my cycle which i feel fine on after 5 mins i getty a feeling of panick, lightheaded, feeling like i'm going to faint or collapse, don't feel like its me derelization. Now i get that everytime i go out, before it got this bad i used to get the shakes, fast heart beat, sweating, feeling like i'm going to faint if i went someone that triggered it such has a argos at the tills.

When i'm in my flat i feel nervous everytime someone i know comes to visit, i worry incase someone knocks on the door i don't know and i worry that if that happends i'll get the shakes and look nervous.

Last time my g/f brought her mate and her mates b/f back here and i was shaking and had a fast heart beat i had to stay in the kitchen for 10 mins to calm down.

All this anxiety?

Lately ive been going for a lot of bike rides to just relax and try and get out a bit more instead of being stuck in, do you think this will help in any way?

A lot of my anxiety came after i got Tinnitus, also since i moved and i'm now in the middle of the town center which dosn't help i guess, also i spend a lot of time working on my pc and the ammout of time i used to go out got less and less and that hasn't helped.

23-08-05, 16:38
Hello there. I'm so sorry you feel this way, [V] I know exactly what its like and yes I would say its definitely anxiety. Mine also happened out of nowhere and I know its frusturating becuase it keeps me from doing the things I want to do too. I think that its gotten worse after that one time when you were out somewhere because of "association anxiety". Subconciously, without really knowing it, your mind is linking that time you had the panic attack with when you were out somewhere. So now your body reacts that way to those situations more often.

I also get nervous sometimes when people come to visit, and going certain places is just out of the question for me. I have whats called agoraphobia and its when you are afraid of having panic attacks in places where help might not be available to you, so you start avoiding any of those places. I really think you should go see a doctor or a therapist to start working on it. I waited awhile with mine and it was a mistake.

That is really good that you go on bike rides and things. That kinda thing helps so much to just clear your mind and calm you down. And its good for you even if it only works for a little bit. and talk to someone about it! find a close friend or a relative and just talk to them no matter how strange it sounds to them. I found that keeping it "bottled up" makes your anxiety so so much worse, well for me anyway. Well I really hope you start to feel better soon, honestly, (this coming from a person who wishes the same for herself [^] )


23-08-05, 17:48
Yes Paul - all sounds very familiar.

Have you tried any relaxation methods yet. I like Glenn Harrold cd's which are very calming and good to use on a regular basis.

Love Piglet:)

24-08-05, 09:55
Hi Paul,
All sounds like panic to me too. I'm sure we'll all identify with it.
Exercise will only do you good mate
Take care

my world is only as small as my courage

24-08-05, 13:06
*All this anxiety?* Sounds pretty classic anxiety symptoms

exercise - yes, will help use excess adrenaline

*ammout of time i used to go out got less and less and that hasn't helped. * Correct


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-08-05, 13:54
yep definatley anxiety paul
and we all know it can be abolished with the right help and guidence, im exactly the same in queues argos and asda and the post office are the worst!! but getting loads of help on the site:D
take care
michelle xxx

24-08-05, 17:07
Yes all those lovely symptoms come with anxiety.

It's quite natural to feel those things when we are anxious so don't worry.

It's good to find a balance of relaxation and exercise.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

24-08-05, 18:16
you sound exactly like me!
Infact you have made me realise just how much we all have in common.


24-08-05, 22:06
I am new to the forum, but I have similar symptoms to you. I can all sweaty and dizzy sometimes when out in shops...esecially if thimk people looking at you...called 'spotlight effect'.

I also get nervous if have to meet new people or even people I have known for years.

I try exercise...used to play american football, then boxing but now started to lift weights. I would get panicy at training sessions but the activity helps direct your attention away from the anxiety.

Hope this helps JB