View Full Version : x-ray result scare / lung cancer

07-05-09, 18:47
Hi guys,
sorry to bother you but I am really freaked out right now. I have suffered with a health anxiety for 8 months now and thought I was getting over it. However i have had a reacurring ache / pain in the right side of my chest for a couple of months now. I went to the doctors a month ago and he said it was probably muscular skeletal pains as I do a lot of Karate. I went back again on Tuesday and he said he still thought it was nothing but sent me for an x-ray. I have just been now and the results have scared me silly! The radiologist showed me the x-ray and pointed out an area on my lung which was slightly more misty white then the rest of the lung. The radiologist said it was a bit of infection and she would get the results to my doctor ASAP. I'm scared stiff now I have lung cancer! She said it wasn't when I asked her but then she isn't a doctor. Would 'a bit of infection' show up on an x-ray? For info I'm a 28 year old male who is generally fit and healthy, though have been very phlegmy of late. I have also been in a karate comp 10 days ago and took a few heavy blows to my right side. Could it be an injury as a result of this which is showing up??? Please put my mind at rest as I'll have to wait all weekend for the results.

07-05-09, 18:55
The radiographer may not be a doctor but she/he are trained and after seeing hundreds of X-rays knows what's what.

The radiologist (a doctor) will 'read' the X-ray and send the report to your GP.

Don't worry.

07-05-09, 19:30
Thanks Trixie. I think I meant the radiographer not the radiologist (the person who takes the xray was the person who showed me the xray and explained the results). I didn't actually speak to the radiologist. I appreciate what you're saying though. I'm sure she's seen every issue under the sun through her xrays. It was just the way she said 'I'm not a doctor so can't tell whats wrong' which freaked me out. If she can't tell me whats wrong, how can she say its not cancer??? I think I'm just reading to much into it and getting myself all worked up but I can't seem to stop doing it!

07-05-09, 21:27
Hiya Van

I suffer with Asthma and very prone to chest infections. I have had lots of chest xrays over the years and yes infections do show up on them, and like you say you have been 'phlegmy' lately this will no doubt be due to an infection.

Please try not to worry

Feel free to pm me anytime:)

Trish x

07-05-09, 21:28
An infection would show up on an X-ray - all that thick, gloopy mucus is thicker than your other lung tissue so would show up as a misty area. I'm sure your doctor will be able to reassure you further.

07-05-09, 23:18
Thank you both very much for your replies. They are very much appreciated.

08-05-09, 00:06
Hi Vanwinkle, I'm not sure how it works in your country but here in the U.S. the radiographer or ultrasound/mri technician, anyone doing the test is not allowed to tell the patient anything. BUT...like the other poster said, they see so much and they know a lot. I have had technicians tell me results (at the risk of losing their jobs) because they saw how shaken up I was and wanted to give me reassurance, knowing I would have to wait a few days otherwise. Sometimes they wink and show you in their own way that they're not supposed to say anything...but they have a heart.

I think when he or she said it's not cancer, they were pretty darn sure because they don't want you going back and saying "But the technician said...". They could get into some mighty fine trouble or get fired. I think you had a real nice person who did you a favor. Hope you can get the results soon and clear up whatever it is. Try hard to get cancer out of your mind, that's not your diagnosis!

09-05-09, 19:32
I kinow its a bit different but me said collapsed a while back at work and as she is a nurse she was sent straight for a ct scan as she had face numbness. The scan showed something on it, like a mist as u describe. However it was a virus she had and nothing serious so try not to worry.

Take care xxx

11-05-09, 18:43
Thanks guys for all your support. The results came back - I have an infection on my lung which I'm on antibiotics for. However I also have to go for a ct scan as there is something wrong with the blood vessels that lead into my lungs. Apparently they are enlarged or something and they are concerned as they are not sure if it is my heart or lungs that are the issue. I didn't take much of it in because I was overcome with fear! Apparently my heart sounded fine and the ECG I was immediately sent for came back fine as well. Now I'm really scared!

11-05-09, 18:49
Thanks Trixie. I think I meant the radiographer not the radiologist (the person who takes the xray was the person who showed me the xray and explained the results). I didn't actually speak to the radiologist. I appreciate what you're saying though. I'm sure she's seen every issue under the sun through her xrays. It was just the way she said 'I'm not a doctor so can't tell whats wrong' which freaked me out. If she can't tell me whats wrong, how can she say its not cancer??? I think I'm just reading to much into it and getting myself all worked up but I can't seem to stop doing it!

She is not allowed to tell you that is not her job.

11-05-09, 20:30
Just adding my own reassurance -- I once had a lingering cold that they took a chest x-ray for, and it also had some misty white areas on parts of my lungs. They ended up giving me an inhaler to help clear it up. Try not to worry about what the x-ray tech told you about not being able to tell you what's wrong -- that's quite a common policy that I think is in place just because of concerns about liability. Only the doctor is allowed to say for sure what is on the x-ray, even if it's nothing.