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View Full Version : I have bronchitus, panicking now

07-05-09, 19:29
The doctor came out to see me today because i've had what i thought was a cold and chest pains especially when i cough. She says i have bronchitus but i don't have to take medication, just parocetomol, drink lots and rest.
I thought once i knew what it was i'd calm down, and i did for a while, but now my panic has risen again.

I need to cough all the time and it's horrible, now i'm panicking about this "needing to cough feeling" in my throat all the time.

I don't know what to do to ease it, i just feel so terrible. I asked my other half to bring me some cough drops but he won't because he says they are for tickley coughs and not chest coughs but i'm desperate.

I'm in a constant state of panic.

How long is this meant to go on for? I can cope with the runny noses, the sneezing, the phlegm, even the chest pains but the cough is awful.

reassurence anyone?

thank you

07-05-09, 19:53
I had a bad virus over xmas that gave me an awful cough and I wanted to cough all the time - I coulnd't speak or I coughed. The only thing that helped me was to suck a sweet of some kind anything as long as you are sucking it and don't talk as this just makes the irritation worse. I always get tracheitis which is viral inflammation of the trachea and it makes you feel as if you can't breathe together with the constant cough. I got better after 2 weeks. If your not coughing up anything nasty - don't have a temperature and are not genuinly out of breath then its likely a viral infection and antibiotics won't help it.

09-05-09, 20:39
I had this 2 years ago. I was told to just rest and take pain killers. It did get abit worse a few days later so I ended up on antibiotics but its usually a virus and clears on its own so try not to worry.

It took me about 3 weeks to feel over it but I had it quite bad.

10-05-09, 22:28
Interesting - I thought they gave antibiotics for bronchitis... as it's usually bacterial not viral.... poor you anyway. Not much you can do really - but try and get your husband to get you expectorant cough medicine - this opens up the airways and loosens the phlegm... and rest as bronchitis is horrible and painful.... And a cough sweet wouldn't hurt as it would keep everything lubricated.

Poor you - the feeling rubbish normally lasts for about 7/8 days I think.... but the cough can linger on...
I hope you get better soon.