View Full Version : Chest pain with acid reflux

23-08-05, 17:07

Does anyone have chest pain with acid reflux? I get what I can only describe as a sharp pain in the centre of my chest - does anyone else get this?


Helen x

23-08-05, 18:38
I get exactly that Helen, I also feel as if I have food travelling back up my gullet with it as well. I have a dull pain straight through my chest to my back and sometimes it can last for a few days. I have medication from the doctor for it and take it as needed.

Hope that helps,

Mark x

23-08-05, 18:42
Thanks Mark

Your posts always reassure me thanks!

Helen x

23-08-05, 19:09
I get it to Helen


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

23-08-05, 20:49
Hi Helen.

My daughter suffered PA< anxiaty from the age of 3, she is now 12 and doing very weell [^]
One of her main symptoms was acid reflux, pain or a burning feeling in her chest. GP gave her meds for this.



24-08-05, 07:41
I have it too, Helen.
I even ended up at the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. Turns out I could've taken some Tums and saved a bundle and a bunch of time. Doesn't that just figure :)
your friend,

24-08-05, 13:27
Helen , you will need to get something to relieve this

Yours is a viscious circle at present .

You're anxious so are producing more tummy acid than normal and as you're not eating anything at all that needs acid to break it down in the tummy, (complan etc basically digests itself) all the acid is just sloshing about and refluxing.

You will probably need a prescription antiacid for this and they will also be able to see any erosions on your endoscopy tomorrow.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-08-05, 21:58
I wonder if this is what I am getting too as I have been experiencing a burning hot sensation in the centre of my chest and I feel at the same time I am having funny tastes in my mouth too.... I was worrying that it was my heart related but maybe its just acid reflux or soemthing?


24-08-05, 22:04
Thanks everyone!

Sadie - it does sound like you might have acid reflux maybe you should check with your doc too

Meg - My endoscopy didnt show any erosion so I was very pleased about that!

Helen x

25-08-05, 17:38
Hi Helen,
I get that as well, the doc has given me some tabs which i take 30 mins before i eat, this seems to help do you find that certain foods trigger it off?
take care
big hug

28-08-05, 01:31
Thanks Susie

I havent noticed any particular foods setting it off because I'm not really eating much at the mo - I seem to get it whether I'm eating or not!

Helen x

14-11-11, 15:20
I get these symptons really scare me...my reflux is really bad at the mo, i'm just on my way to the doctors. its camera time...does enyone get it under both the arm pits. would love a reply ty xx