View Full Version : Hi all

07-05-09, 22:26
Hi all I'm Mark and thought I would look into joining the forum as I'm a sufferer of panic attacks and anxiety and stress and have just recently come out of hospital with a severe attack.

For a bit of background I have been suffering with mental health problems anxiety, panic attacks, stress for the past year or so but before that I have always been on medication since a breakdown hospital visit when I was 16, I am 26 now.

I've recently been back into hospital for the past month and things have got to the worst point that they've been for that month, after my visit I gradually recovered and have been moved back onto 600 mg Quetiapine (Seroquel XL) medication and starting to recover on that.

I can't seem to get much advice of doctors regarding trying the Omega 3 and Vitamin B and other remedies which are mentioned on the site although I've tried various things such as massage, accupuncture, chinese herbal medicine, omega 3 and vitamin tablets while seeing my old care co-ordinator whose main advice was that I just had anxiety and as I have a seemingly perfect happy life (I work, go to college part time and have a good social life) I only need 100mg, after taking that 100mg for a fortnight when he went away and also completely giving up alcohol as discussed with him and also seeing a lady to help with relaxation techniques that was when I ended up back in hospital, I've been off work for a month or so now and still feel better for avoiding the place as I hate my job in a call centre working amongst a load of idiots and a failing company.

Two of my main issues I believe are extreme difficulty relaxing when I'm on my own, I plan to do stuff like have a relaxing bath, have a calming drink, sit down and watch TV and relax for a few hours (sometimes I can do these things but more often I end up on the computer or panicking about trying to organise my room etc). Also I have trouble sitting or standing still or comfortably when on my own e.g. when I wait for a bus or sit in the house. I'm ok when I'm out with my close friends and family and I do have fun and relax with them.

I've also been trying to improve my life the best I can since my discharge from hospital, avoiding alcohol, going to the gym 3 times a week and learning to cook, going for walks, spending time with close friends.

Anyway last night after being out with my friends and feeling good I thought I would look at my Paul McKenna hypnotism book and cd and start using this in order to help try and improve my confidence. Anyway what I noticed is that I was able to go through all the confidence exercises in the book and the first part of the audio cd, but when it came to the hypnosis part when I was entering the trance state I just seemed to pass out and wake up after the cd with him waking me up, I didn't feel any improved confidence after this but I had done for the rest of the book and CD and surreally it was 4am when I was asked to re-awaken and I went back to bed till 1pm this afternoon.

Again tonight I thought I'd start with the relaxation cd "Guided Relaxation by Kelly Howell", which helps you to go into a relaxed state of mind, before this I used a progressive muscle relaxation exercise I'd been through with a lady called Angela recommended from my old care co-ordinator. I went through the CD and was starting to relax but when I woke up from lying in bed I realised again I'd passed out and the CD had ended 40 minutes ago and I felt very drowsy and like I'd been unconscious, very heavy sedated sleep and I hadn't taken my tablets for the night yet they were taken about 3 am yesterday.

I'm tempted to call my care co-ordinator tomorrow and talk through this even though I saw her on Tuesday. Also with the relaxation cd's and hypnosis cd's I find one of the problems is I live very near to a main road and you can constantly hear cars going past and I don't have a decent set of headphones for my iPod and my PC speakers aren't the best quality either but it's difficult to decide whether to buy these first for my health or to focus on getting out of debt first.

Worth mentioning that although I've not been given any strict advice from my doctor or care co-ordinator I'm taking 2 Omega 3, 6, 9 tablets and 1 omega 3 fish oil tablet twice per day morning and evening and also that as a child I was diagnosed with the learning disability dyspraxia and this links in to some symptoms associated with other learning disabilities.

I know this seems like a rather long initial post but I just feel like asking for some second opinions and some help on what's going wrong, any help would be very appreciated, thank you.

NB Writing long messages like this seems like a natural response to what's going on with my problems and I have communication problems and difficulty expressing myself on forums relating to my learning disabilities so apologies if this doesn't make any sense.

I feel I do have self esteem issues (maybe due to the constant failure to commit to things like paying off debt, quitting drinking and consistently going to the gym etc and I also have relaxation issues when I'm on my own, all things that I am 100% trying to work on now).

07-05-09, 22:32
Hi Mark,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

best wishes

di xx

08-05-09, 18:26
Hi Mark,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give you their support. In my opinion you seem to communicate just fine. If you have been diagnosed as having learning disabilities were you ever tested for ADHD? I only say that because somtimes if you suffer with that you can have problems relaxing and staying still. As for any self esteem issues I suggest counseling. I also go to sleep with ear plugs and I find they block out all noise and I can't sleep without them. Hope you like the site and I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


08-05-09, 19:01
Hello Mark , Welcome to NMP, lots of help advice and understanding members , glad you found the site , take care ,:welcome: Dusky x