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View Full Version : A small lump?

08-05-09, 00:53

I am new to this website but from what I have read it appears that this is just the place for me. I am a born worrier somewhat of a hyper-condriact maybe. I look for things to worry about, just so I can worry about them.

Well...onto my post. I've had this small round lump at the back of my neck for 2-3 years now. It is very small and is to the top left of my spinal column and there is one a similar size just below. I can feel it when I rub my hand on the back of my neck and it feels quite firm it is a few inches below my hairline (sort of in the centre)

When this lump was first apparent I went straight to my local NHS Walk-In Centre and saw a nurse. The nurse took a quick look at the back of neck and "popped it" ooze and puss escaped and this reduced the size of the lump considerably and ever since i've had the smaller lump I have now and ever since that visit.

I have not done anything about this until now some 2-3 years later as a friend at work has recently been in hospital with a "lump on the neck" related problem. It set thoughts running through my head I may have cancer?

Can someone put my mind at ease? Am I worrying over nothing?

Thanks for your time.

08-05-09, 01:08
Hi Gemini and welcome here! If the nurse popped it a few years ago and said it was pus, it doesn't sound like what you have now. That means you have had an infection for a couple of years on your neck which I never heard of. It would have broken open by now. Because of the location, it sounds more like what's called a sebaceous cyst. They are common on the scalp and back of the neck. They can be opened and a waxy, white oily substance will come out. I have had several done by a dermatologist. It could also be a fatty tumor (totally harmless) which are also common anywhere on the body.

I know things are different in other countries...I live in the U.S. where you just go to whomever you want without having to go to a primary doctor first. But why not see a dermatologist if you can, or get a referral? Get it looked at and removed so you don't have to worry. Does NOT sound like cancer to me but I am a big believer in getting things checked out and relieving our minds as soon as possible.