View Full Version : chest pain.

08-05-09, 03:06
Hi, I've been having chest pain for about 2 or 3 days, tonight seems to be the worst. My chest feels tight and I have this stabbing pain between the breasts and just lowe where my bra would be, now and again. And I'm worried I'm 23 not over weight or anything.I got a nervous tention in throat and afraid to try and cough or anything because of my chest.
Do you think its stress? When I move about turn over in bed sit up etc, I get pain. I don't know whether I'm concentrating on it to much now so its getting worse.
What do you think? is it my time.

08-05-09, 03:38
Hey Nicola

What did you put in your last post? That you WEREN'T going to let is effect you because you KNOW it's oly STRESS.

That being said I understand that you have had a little set-back & need reassurance of your chest pain.

I have it too Nicola, I have it right now & have had it the last couple of hours. I get different type pains all over my chest, in different areas, either stabbing pains or tightness or both, on the left in the middle on the right, all over:lac: :weep:

NO, it's not your time, please remember what Susan Jeffers says in her book. IT'S STRESS, the old bogeyman trying to get you to be frightened again, shrug ya shoulders & say "Come & do ya very worst...........ha ha ha ha, you're not gonna get me":shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

Ok, so I sound like I need help, lol. But it's true, that's what ya have to do & say, you know it right?

You'll be fine Nicola, trust me. Take care.

08-05-09, 05:04
hi els thanks for post yes your dead right. i know i wrote that post came to bed and had the chest pain pretty bad, i dont tend to have much pain in my chest so feeking out.
its tight now right in the middle, i tried to drink watet and a bit of by carb to see if i got wind but still the same. like a knote right between my breasts and sometimes pain around it.

is this stress?

Deepest Blue
08-05-09, 07:54
Hey ya Nicola, I've developed chest pains in the last 3 days as well and I think in my case is because I've become more anxious about some of the things I am about to face soon whilst also upset about some things that's happened to me in the last few months so I think it's kinda really escalating a bit so I really need to try and calm things. I think it must be attributed to stress, I think we just need to find a way to relax more, I've been listening to music a hell of a lot more which has helped put my mind things a bit.

Take Care.

08-05-09, 14:49
I started getting regualar chest pains a few months ago, i was freaked out and panicking loads but i rang the doctors and she put me at ease. She said my symptoms werent ringing any alarm bells but she'd come and check me out. She checked my chest and said she didn't know what was causing it but it wasn't anything bad, just probably anxiety.
After that reassurence, my chest didn't hurt as much :-)

I got pain under and on my breasts, and in the middle of my chest.

Hope this reassures you :hugs: xxx

08-05-09, 20:15
hi yes it has put me a ease. can i just ask does it get worse when you move like sit up or something. ive been to doctors today she checked me over and said if it happens again go to hospital but no real explanation. so she didnt calm me down at all.
do you think its my heart? or could it be just anxiety. i havent really been in back breaking pain but it is some what uncomfortable and the pain is something you can ignor. my chest feels tight at the moment and when i move get shooting there sometimes.

08-05-09, 21:06
sounds to me more like anxiety & muscle pain but if it happens again go get checked out. Sure its nothing, it sounds like what I used to get & it was always muscle pain or heartburn. xxx

08-05-09, 21:50
about 6 months ago i was sat with hubby watching tv and i had such bad pains in my chest that i was running around screamin to get me a pen so i could write my will the pains kept coming in the ned he called my mum who rushed down to mine everyone was tryin to chill me but it wasnt happening the pains were the worse pains ive ever had ever mum put the kettle on and i was going mad shoutin that im about to die and she is having a cuppa well she came in with just warm water told me to drink it little by little and there was i something out of a horror movie freaking right out anyway i did as i was told and after a couple of mouthfulls i started to feel a little better then by the end of it all my pains where gone just a dull ache well i went to the doc next day who told me that it sounded like acute trapped wind well its happened a couple of times since and b4 total panic sets in i grab my warm water and it does the trick hope this helped you a little bit to see that not all chest pains are gonna make it your time :)

08-05-09, 22:12
So does everyone get pain and tightness in the middle and on the left side of the chest. Sorry to keep on but I'm freeking out. I remember back in january I use to have chest pain and the doctor said anxiety. But I can't remember what the pain was like or how bad.
I've tried gavascone to see if I had heart burn or indigestion. Its like its coming and going.
Sorry for keeping on once again but I'm pretty desperate for some reasurance.

08-05-09, 22:18
my tightness was in the middle of the chest and under wear the bra sits i found holding my chest up helped while walkin around

Im sure your pains are nothing to get worried over and im ere if u need me just try to breathe and take sips of water so your throat dont dry up

im sat ere with you your not alone

08-05-09, 22:18
Sorry I didn't see the reply, hot water ill try that now thanks. I've been trying to put it to the back of my mind but it just keeps coming bk. I sure hope its wind, my doc didn't really explain much to me.

08-05-09, 22:22
warm water hun we dont want you burning ya tongue and you sip it slowly

Docs never explain anything well for some reasons docs think just coz they know whats up with us that we auto understand well we dont and the ammount of times i have said to my doc stop can u say all that slowly to me and explain anything i wouldnt have a clue about lol

08-05-09, 22:29
Warm water ok. Yeah I know what u mean I went to my doc for reasurance and probably came away more afraid. But if it comes and goes then it should just be anxiety I guess. I'm left with the tightness and ache. Oh I wish I could just relax and know what this was. I keep thinking ill have to ring an ambulance and going through it in my head. I hope it goes soon.

09-05-09, 00:03
I was worried it was my heart too but since the doctor wasn't worried i thought i shouldn't be worried too. She couldnt really explain what was causing the pain but she would have know if it was a heart problem or something serious.

mine was pretty much constant and in places all over my chest, it did hurt when i moved but since it hurt even when i wasn't moving i couldnt tell if that made it worse or not.

Don't google chest pain though, i was convinced mine was my heart after googling it but it wasn't. Google just comes up with the worst case senarios, but you've been checked over by your doctor now and he/she isn't worried so that's a brilliant sign! :-)

09-05-09, 14:42
Thanks for that, I've worked myself up and I got high anxiety again now, I woke up and all I could think about was my breathing again to, and my chest is sore, now my left arm feels all weird like they went before. I need to pull myself around again now. I'm acking all over.
But like you said she would have done something there if she was concerned after examining me. Thanks.

09-05-09, 17:22
You've reassured me aswell Nicola because my left arm was aching alot too when my chest pains started, and on my back too. I just had hot waterbottles though to ease the pain. My doctor told me to take a paracetomol if the pain got bad so that calmed me because she wouldn't have suggested that if it was heart related.

hope you feel better soon xxx

09-05-09, 19:55
im also with you with chest pain at the moment, although when the doc saw me for anaemia she checked my pulse and said my heart was okay, the emerg. doc listened to my heart and said the same, but the other day i was doing my daughters hair and got a tugging feeling in my left breast and that was it for the day! i was living in terror.
im an avid pulse taker and its 66 on rest and steady, so i have to say that the doc cant have been concerned she would have done something, she was brilliant with me and requested the bloods that found the anaemia in the first place as she said knowing the tests were okay would reassure me. so i have to trust them that my heart is okay.
but honey honestly i have lived in terror of my heart since last week, i realised today that ive lasted a week knowing i have anaemia and that your heart works harder as you have less oxygen in your blood, so why would it give up today in particular.
saying that usually works, but you and i need to calm down, do some relaxation and address the anxiety again full on, you know the marching on thread!! well you made me march on for days on end, we need to do this again honey.
if you need to talk pm me and im here for you

calm and peace to you.

10-05-09, 12:59
hey jools. i know we really do need to chill. i suffer with air hunger anyway as you prob know from the marching. but since i woke up this morning my chest has been killing me. right in the middle like something is stuck there, also finding it harder to breathe, but because i suffer from air hunger i dont know what to do.
and im in work. i dont really want to call a first aider cause if i say i got pains in the chest they prob call an ambulance and i dont ant to make a fuss.