View Full Version : Nervous cough and needing to take deep breaths

23-08-05, 17:30
I've analyzed this symptom for sometime now. I was confused at first because my brain was trying to make me take a deep satisfying breath far more than I really needed too, I wasn't short of breath, I can get a good lungful and there was no wheezing at all. I had also developed this little cough which is more like a clearing of the throat rather than me having to remove something.

I only got these symptoms when I was feeling rather uneasy in general. After studying it in myself for some weeks now I've realized I get this weird annoying tension that seems to sit at the very base of my throat, the exact point where a (clear your throat) cough happens and your vocal chords are. The only way to slightly relieve the tension is to cough, make a noise with my throat or try and take a deep breath.

So if anyone is feeling like this don't worry, it's not your breathing or your lungs it's just anxiety although if you are really worried than seeing a doctor should put your mind at rest.

Anyone else going through something like this ?

23-08-05, 18:40
Yes Blair, it's actually part of my throat anxiety symptoms and I have it every waking moment..... I'm learning to cope with it more now but the more anxiety I suffer, the tigher the feeling in my throat leading to me wanting to clear something that isn't there.

Thank you for your post...


23-08-05, 19:09
Hi Blair,

Yes I get this alot to i do cope with it but it gets very frustrating at times huh! As your probably aware.

Latley has been particularly bad as i had a bad headache for a few days and everytime i cough or clear my throat it hurts my head! Can't win huh!LOL

Take care,


24-09-07, 12:58
Hey all,
Yeah I experience stuff like this, it's actually come to the point where I can't properly start my new job until I deal with it. I've had it on and off for 5 years, I find I breathe in quite a shallow way and it's worse if I'm tired, also I don't do it whilst driving! I'm not sure if I'm just anxious (over what?) or if I have OCD or something, I have other little habbits but nothing like this. Anyone found anything that helps?


04-10-07, 19:37
Yep, I get exactly this! I became quite conscious of it the other day, which of course only made it worse.

I get lots of tension at the top of my tummy, around where my diaphram is, which makes my breathing feel uncomfortable... It's not actually my breathing, just tummy/chest muscle tension feeling like that.

It feels like I ease it a bit by little coughs. Not even clearing my throat, just a little 'ahem'. I tend to burp lots when it happens too. :)


21-01-10, 20:24
I have this problem VERY BAD!!! It was triggered when my doctor switchged me from oxycontin to methadone. Now I am on methadone and to get off it by tapering will take 18 months to 2 years. I am unsure if it is still caused by methadone or if Ihave just gotten used to it. It has gotten so bad that I can honestly say I think of suicide at least once a day! I cant get a job because of it and it is driving people around me absolutely crazy!! I feel really helpless!

23-01-10, 00:18
Yes actually. Thankyou for that post. Im, always trying to take a deep satisfying breath, when I really dont need to... and also I clear my throat ALL the time. I wish I could stop!! xxxx

04-05-10, 16:17
I just googled "nervous cough" and the symptoms listed sound exactly like what i am experiencing (dry cough, constant need to clear my throat, the need for a deep breath, etc). It is really starting to become annoying to me (and probably to others around as well). Has anyone been successful with controlling this problem? I want to ditch this habit!

18-05-10, 16:59
hello evryone, i'm new, and finally i found the right cause to my cough...anxiety, i have to say that i'm suffering with o.c.d. too, but i had to make a search in other language to find out some informations about nervous cough, because i'm italian and i've never found anything about this before, so thanx a lot to everybody, i hope to find some relief or natural care to my cough in this forum...bye

Loraine O
11-05-11, 06:14
Wow...there ARE other people suffering from this cough and feeling of needing to take a deep breath. I am seriously tired of this feeling. It is making me physically tired. I just don't know how to get it under control. But, I'm glad I found all of you to share this with. :)

29-05-11, 17:44
I have the same, and cant get rid of it, did anyone find any solution?

30-05-11, 01:15
I also have a "nervous cough" and feeling of needing to clear my throat a lot. I also get the feeling I'm choking or can't get a breath. I do have asthma but this is an anxiety symptom. These posts just reiterate that. Thanks guys, it's reassuring that I'm not alone.


lucy devine
30-05-11, 06:29
I used to have this real bad...constantly taking in deep breaths and when i was anxious about my breathing i developed a 'nervous cough' where i felt the need to cough, clear my throat and sniff a lot...i found that in social situations, i tended to produce more mucus and felt like it was stuck in my throat causing me to not be able to breathe...
luckily, i am just about almost getting that in control so there is hope :) the downside is that as I have slowly regained some control over anxiety, depression has hit me hard...
its either one thing or another eh..
i hope you're okay soon