View Full Version : Walking & palpitation

08-05-09, 06:06

I regularly go for a 1 hr walk as an exercise in the evening
My problem is that i start having palpitation during the walk.
I fear that as im already tired with the walk and after my whole day of office
work the exercise may be harmful to my health especially to my heart
I fear to have palpiation a whole night after the exercise. And it really
happens. I always wake up in the middle of the night with high palpiation
How can i solve this problem. Is it wise to continue going for the walk everyday. Please help.


08-05-09, 08:14
Hi Janvi,

I was about to start a thread myself about palpitations. I went for a walk earlier today, was not even a long walk, about 5-10 mins, and now feeling my heart pounding still, 2 hours after that walk. I have been on my chair sitting for the past 2 hours and yet my heart rate is around 100 right now.

I'm normally at 60-85 when resting. So right now I'm a bit concerned and anxious too. When I had my stress test a year and a half ago, the doctor mentioned that I'm a "recovery 4", I think she meant that after the stress test, my heart rate was still fast after 10 minutes or so of resting.

I don't really know what it means, so I hope anyone here who knows about fast heart rates can shed some light for us.


House fan
08-05-09, 09:24
Hi guys

It's difficult to know if you are both experiencing the same kind of palpitations whilst exercising.

Janvi, if you are suffering from Ectopic beats (missed Heartbeats) during exercise, I would ask your GP to refer you for a stress test, as it would seem that your heart is not responding too well when asked to work harder than usual.

If your heart rate is regular, but is just beating 'too fast', this is normal cardiac activity, and no threat to life or health. Recovery 4 usually means that you are out of condition, and it naturally takes the heart longer to slow down to it's normal rhythm.

Other factors to consider are age, weight, BP, Cholesterol, lifestyle habits etc.


08-05-09, 10:08
Thanks House.

I guess I'm out of shape, but even before, 2 years ago, when I was still very active and play tennis 2-3x a week, I would still get these fast heartbeats after those tennis sessions.

I usually play in the mornings, and when I check my pulse late in the afternoon, it would still be in the 90s.

Even though I'm active before, I also tire easily, lost a lot of tennis matches because of fatigue, and have always thought it was because I'm asthmatic, now I'm not so sure.

I stopped my exercise for several months now, so I'm probably more out of condition, I'm concerned though about my 100bpm right now, 4 hours now after I had that 10 min walk.

08-05-09, 11:43
Thanks Housefan In fact before the walking i was a bit stressed.
I dont know if I suffer from ectopics but rapid heart beat after the walk-115 ppm when i checked it. My BP was 115/79. I dont know what is an ectopic beat. Could you pls explain to me. My mind always try his best so that I get palpiation especially in the night or early morning after the evening walk. Im very afraid to go to the DOc moreover. Can you help me.

House fan
08-05-09, 12:31

You are caught in the fear-adrenaline-fear cycle due to sensitized nerves. 115 bpm is not fast, your heart is more than capable of working much harder than that, I can assure you.

Nervous tension has got you so wound up, that you are in constant fear of heart disease, and I can tell you now that you have absolutely nothing to be worried about. Your blood pressure is magnificent, if your heart rate is normal rhythm (even if it is 'fast') then this is normal cardiac activity, and your health is not in danger.

These unpleasant symptoms do not mean you have heart disease now, or will get heart disease in the future, so if your heart decides to beat a bit quicker than normal, let it do so until it decides to slow down. And it always slows down!

You have a good healthy heart, stop worrying.


11-05-09, 10:27
Once again thank you housefan,

What is the meaning of ectopic beat. Could you please explain it to me. Please coz im really afraid with this.