View Full Version : Mouth ucler worries please help!!

08-05-09, 13:49
hi guys and gals.

Sorry to be a pain but my latest worry is a mouth ulcer/lump in mouth its been there for 3 weeks if it was an ulcer would it not have gone by now ive been applying bonjella for a few days and it appears to be getting smaller but its still there.

Is it worth going to the doctor? I dont really go wanna since my lymphoma scare i havent been n thats been over 2 months.....

I googled it and all i see is mouth cancer please help.......

08-05-09, 13:52
Do you smoke? If so, how much?

08-05-09, 13:54
not at all y?

08-05-09, 13:56
Yes, it is worth going to a doctor but dentists are better with anything inside the mouth. If you can find an oral surgeon, that's even better. Wouldn't you rather just know instead of worrying? Also, when you get checkups, they usually do an oral cancer screening. Make sure your general dentist does that...they lift your tongue and look all around for anything new. I have gotten all kinds of lumps and bumps over the years and it like they came, they went. Please don't think cancer but get it checked to relieve your mind. I hate spending money when I'd rather buy a few new CDs :-) but there is nothing more important to me than peace of mind.

08-05-09, 13:57
Then I think you are fine. My father-in-law had mouth cancer last year, guy smokes a ton (like several packs a day) and he didn't have any ulcers. I believe you are fine...I get sores and ulcers from stress. If the bonjella is making it smaller that is a good sign :) People who smoke are at a way higher risk than anyone who doesn't, I have relatives that had mouth and throat cancer, and the common denominator was smoking. So if you don't smoke at all, I think you are okay:blush:

I hope you feel better.

08-05-09, 14:03
the only thing that worries me is that it isnt painful.... ulcers normally are

it is encouraging that it is getting smaller tho?

08-05-09, 14:32
It is good that it's getting smaller - but I would still see a dentist - more for your own peace of mind than anything.

Try some paste you can get from the chemist - it's called .... in orabase - can't remember the full name, but pharmacist will know.

There are so many weird lumps and bumps in the mouth and dentists are the expert..... so see one and put your mind at rest.

Mouth Ulcers do hurt normally.... but it might be somewhere that you have bitten or traumatised or something.... I'm sure it's fine but go to the dentist to be sure and for your own sanity!

09-05-09, 00:29
I get mouth ulcers quite a lot..ive got one at the moment, a little white spot with a little lump under it. My gp says its because im run down and when you suffer from anxiety/stress it leaves you prone to things like that. I use that listerne mouth wash, the two-tone coloured one...and it really does help..gives your mouth a really good clean, gets rid of any bits of food etc left even after brushing, so it helps get rid of your ulcers that little bit quicker.
Take care, hope your feeling better soon.

09-05-09, 01:31
Lesley is right...your mouth has a lot of stuff in it during the day because you are eating...so it takes longer for you to heal cuts and sores in there. Keeping it clean is a must...and like Lauren said...if you still have problems after awhile then a dentist should definitely be able to help you.