View Full Version : no more stress please.

claire m
08-05-09, 14:40
as some of you from chat may know my dad is terminally ill with congestive heart failure.
he now has failing lungs and liver so the outlook is not good, me and my sisters are trying to brace ourselves for the future.
Im already under alot of stress at the moment and really dont know how i am going to cope with what ever happens next.
i dont live in newcastle where my dad is and it is making me ill with the thought of not being there right now with him.
i will be going soon but with kids and a job and my voluntary work i feel like im tearing myself apart.
i feel physically sick all the time and think im just going to scream.
i wish i could but im the kind of person who buries it for now and deals with it later.
so im pencilling my nervous breakdown for the end of summer i might have some time then!

08-05-09, 15:10
I am so sorry your going through such a hard time. My prayers are with you. The only advice I can offer is to take it one day at a time. There is nothing that can prepare you for the death of a loved one. Take some time for yourself also, maybe a long hot bath or curl up with a good book. Take care. :hugs:

08-05-09, 15:29
hi claire my dad has heart failure aswell, on wednesday he is going for a pacemaker to be fitted ,which is very scary as he is 82, i know how you feel if you ever need to chat please feel free to pm me


Vanilla Sky
08-05-09, 15:46
Hi Claire , I'm so sorry to hear about your dad , It is such a stressful time you are going through . You will be amazed how much strength you can get from all of you and your family supporting each other and you may cope better than you think hon. Your certainly not alone here, we are all here to help you through, even having a rant helps ! Love to you and your family xx

08-05-09, 16:33
Claire im so sorry to hear about your poor Dad, You must feeling. terrible .You will get through this ,but just try to concentrate on one day at a time.I found it was the only way I coped when my Mum had cancer and was in hospital,.I tried to stick to a routine and concentrated on doing what i had to do each day and it was the only way I managed to cope.Sending you lots of love and hugs Sue:hugs: