View Full Version : has anyone tried this ?

08-05-09, 14:52
Hi, some of you will know I come here from time to time, I post and people, nice people, help me to get over whatever is ailing me that day, has been heart desease, lung cancer Bowel cancer and the like as well as 'usual' stress and panic attacks. I though as people were so kind in helping me I would try and do the same for others, it is quite an experience putting yourself in others positions and trying to help, seeing what they are saying, yes and recognising so many similar feelings and emotions. I found it quite an experience, one that , because I was busy and caring, because I was trying hard to find the correct wording and because I recognised the same feelings etc it was/is an experience that actually helps me. NOT that I want anyone ever to suffer but helping, or at the least trying to help others is so releasing, if you see what I mean,. That got me thionking, so I re ead many of the posts I have put on here and answered them in my head as if I was 'helping' someone else, wow. the same feelings, a calmness a release came over me, ok it isnt a cure but those of you bthat post may I ask you, re read your own post, especially a little time later and answer it as if you were helping someone else, I think you might suprise yourself. Any thoughts any one?.

08-05-09, 14:54
I totally agree. So many of my symptoms are similar to others who have voiced theirs and trying to help them almost makes me laugh because I should be taking the very same advice or opinions, to help myself! It's a fantastic site... well done, No More Panic.

08-05-09, 16:20
I also agree, I am tryig to practise what I preach! It nice to be nice and when you are rationalising a fellow posters problem out in your own head it help you think about the positive things. When you are acutely unwell its difficult to raionalise things so its important to pratice rationalising when your feeling ok!

08-05-09, 16:35
hi all. i feel good when helping someone, it kinda takes your mind off everything and gives you purpose! its strange.., because i wish i could rationalise my own problems like i can do others. its weird

08-05-09, 19:00
I agree with others. This is almost like self talk when I come on here and look at others posts or respond to them. My rational voice in my head decides to show up and say...hey see there is a reason for these symptoms and you are okay. :yesyes: