View Full Version : feel like theres something stuck at the back of my tongue

08-05-09, 15:46
when i swallow it feels like i got a lum at back of my tongue its not my throat has anyone else had this? im freaking out now

08-05-09, 15:47
sorry lump not lum:lac:

08-05-09, 17:03

I had this for 10 MONTHS before doctors managed to convinced me it was just anxiety. Don't go down that road! :)


08-05-09, 17:11
Poor you - can you see one? I have the sensation at the back of my nose... MRI's show nothing - I am mad I think!

I suspect it's good old anxiety if you can't see anything and it's just a feeling - but it's still horrid. Wish I could help more...

08-05-09, 17:13
hiya amandaj. yeh ive had it too, and ive had it when there feels like a lump is stuck in my throat, making it feel like its going to close up! its is just anxiety! but if your not entirely convinced, go and see your gp! its always best to! hope you feel better soon! x