View Full Version : Citalopram: Its working

Lion King
08-05-09, 19:34
Hi all,

I am now 7 nearly 8 weeks on citalopram and I have had the best period of feeling anxiety free in ages! At times I have felt like the medication was just not taking affect and I felt like giving up and trying something else, but with perseverence and the useful tips from this forum i have stuck it out and I can say now that the light has gotten brighter!
Although I have felt good I have had to adopt mental discipline in order to keep anxiety at bay, the anxiety for me tends to be overthinking sitautions and looking for threats, so now with rational thinking I am able to process these thoughts in a more positive manner and take control. The more often i adopt this thought process the more automatic the thought process is becoming.
The physical symptoms (tension, tight throat) seem to have faded away with the mental side being pushed with consistency, I still do the deep muscle relaxation CD and breathing exercises (self meditation) to relax my body to a level where I feel calm.
I know i still have a long way to go but I have found that the best way for me to get out of this hole, is to change the mental thought process, distinguish the stresses in life and adopt or change the situation to yourself or easier said than done is change yourself, the last thing is concentrate on what relaxes you the most and use it in your life to balance the stresses out.
I know I am not the first to put information out for citalopram survival, but I think the more experinces pushed out there, there is more the chance that someone can relate and feel some comfort that there is a way out of the bad times.

Hope to all in these difficult times

Lion King

08-05-09, 19:41
thats great news mate well done :). Im hoping to get to that place myself :)

08-05-09, 19:45
went to the docs today and got some i really hope they are going to work
good to see they have for you

Lion King
08-05-09, 20:29
Hi James,

When I first started taking citalopram I was really apprehensive about taking them, I soon found out why I was apprehensive, I suffered increased anxiety, tiredness, headaches, lack of sleep, irritability, tension and the hippy hippy shakes. But I feel like I have weathered the worst of the storm and life is settling down again. I started off on 10mg and increased to 20mg after 10 days, the symptoms lasted for about 3 - 4 wks, but gradually they faded away to a manageable level, it did knock my confidence, but the only way out is to get up and take on the fight!

Stick with it, it is worth it!

All the Best

Lion King