View Full Version : Saw Gp today abd now panicking..

08-05-09, 21:00
Saw GP today , she thinks i have carpal tunnel syndrome as been getting pins and needles in hands - need to have nerve test and may need a small op, not to panicked about this but also had blood pressure checked , have a big bp phobia . First reading was high and it slowly went down to 150/84 , Gp said this was only marginally raised and was probably due to anxiety , but im freaking out big time and feel sooo scared.

08-05-09, 21:32
I have CTS in one hand and have never needed an op and have a wrist support I can wear when it gets bad so please don't worry about it.

BP will be up at docs - mine always is - and if the doc isn't worried then you shouldn't be to be honest.

08-05-09, 21:32
Hi pb,
Can you tell me what it is your scared about? Is it the BP or the carpal tunnel syndrome?
As your GP said your BP was only slightly high (and even then as long as the bottom line in under 90 they are normally happy) and it came down after you were retested after a short period of time. If you had 'high' blood pressure it wouldn't have come down as people with actual high blood pressure require medication for their bp to be stabilised.
in my experience (im a physio) very few cases of pins and needles in people hands are true carpal tunnle syndrome and are usually caused by postural problems in the neck which cause the nerves to be irritated and hence give you the p&n in your hand. Tell me more about your symptoms, what you do etc
Hope this helps a little


09-05-09, 01:58
My BP often goes up at the doctor's, and I always warn them that I have health anxiety and feel really stressed coming in, so they expect the BP and pulse to be somewhat higher. I wouldn't worry about that at all.

09-05-09, 15:03
Mine is the opposite its lower than it should be so having blood tests. When I was in the doctors my heart rate is normally sky high, must be nerves. But I wouldn't worry cause if it was that high they would give you beta blockers or something.