View Full Version : the ultimate fear

09-05-09, 01:03
death. :unsure:

im starting to think that by overcoming the fear of death then my health anxiety would be meaningless. by accepting death cancer heart attacks and brain tumurs are meaningless.

imagine how you or i would feel if through all this health anxiety i ended up getting run down by a bus :roflmao:

09-05-09, 08:35
The difference is that I am not afraid of death by a bus, stroke, heart attack, gunshot or anything that takes less than a day, but the prospect of slowly deteriorating because of cancer scares the sh*t out of me...

09-05-09, 09:24
I'm the same as Amu..... not the death that scares me, it's the 'dying'.....

agent orange
09-05-09, 13:45
yes it's the same with me, a lingering illness is not what I fancy lol.

09-05-09, 16:44
im more scared of leaving my family and so much unfinished business.