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View Full Version : yogic breathing technique.

02-01-04, 17:54
have you ever noticed,over the years,some meditation,and relaxation methods seem to come and go,but not yoga,its proved itself,and is commonly used by both prince,and paupers.

so we come to this excellent breathing technique,recommended for stress,anxiety,fatigue,and panic..its well documented,that it can help relieve the symptoms of anxiety,within 60secs.

the idea,is to breath in,and out through alternate nostrils..so to give you an idea...close your left nostril,breath in deeply through your right nostril,hold the breath,close your right nostril,and breath out through your left nostril..now close your right nostril,and breath in deeply through your left nostril,close your left nostril,and slowly breath out through your right nostril....keep alternating..takes a few mins to get the hang of this,but it really works...just in case,anyone is wondering,you close the nostril,by gently pressing a finger at the side of it.

please try this,and let us know,if you found this helpful,obviously the best time to do it are when your feeling really anxious...i really do hope it helps..best wishes..bryan.

02-01-04, 18:55
Hi bryan, found it quite useful it actually helped but is it suppose to make u feel light headed, it might just be me though...lol


02-01-04, 19:15

its more a feeling of well-being..if its your first try,then it may be your not used to different breathing techniques..i think its well worth persevering with,as ime sure it will help..bryan.

02-01-04, 19:22
Hiya Sam

Yes bryan is right, normally we dont breathe so deeply so you will feel a bit light headed till u get used to it.

love Sarah

02-01-04, 23:22

If you're feeling lightheaded , slow it down more . You're breathing deeper than usual so don't need so many breaths to get enough air around the body.


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03-01-04, 01:31
I find that this exercise really helps,the concentration of trying to do it right helps take my mind off of the actual anxiety.top tip.

03-01-04, 02:30

Was just browsing thru places I've never been before, and this topic kind of jumped out at me.

Never fooled with actually doing any yoga (Never knew anyone who really knew anything about it - the books I've browsed thru just show leotard clad models in the most uncomfortable looking contortions...) (? did that make sense????)

But, ever since reading Autobiography of a Yogi YEARS ago, and re-reading it many times (While I must admit I raise an eyebrow at a thing or two in it, it is and remains one of my favorite books), I've always had a fascination with reading about breathing techniques and such.

So, they really work??? Hmmm... I'll try it - but right now, one nostril is still stopped up from the flu, and an exploratory attempt at doing that excersize made my eyes bulge out all funny when I tried to breathe thru the stopped up nose hole.... (oops)

Seriously, it is a fascinating concept. I'll have to stay tuned and see what else is said here.



03-01-04, 11:37
hi bryan, meg, sarah
ill keep at it i prob woz doin it a bit fast...lol, but the nxt time wen i slowed it dwn its hard 2 explain i sorta felt relaxed (not normal wiv me..lol) n peaceful. I found that it did wrk to help relieve my anxiety feelings nna keep on wiv it

03-01-04, 15:29
thanks all,for your input.

sam,if it makes you feel sorta peaceful,and relaxed,then its working well for you.

ch/jim,thats the good thing about any exercise,if it just destracts your mind for a minute or two,then it can only do good.

rick,best not try it when you have the flu,you will either topple over lol.or burst a haemoroid.

best wishes..bryan.

03-01-04, 18:02
When im in an attack i always breath deeply, too deeply untill one day i nearly passed out!!!


03-01-04, 19:31
I think I was doing it a bit too fast too. But it's definately a different feeling. Maybe because I'm battling a stuffy nose.


04-01-04, 19:59
Bryan, this is a very useful tip. I go to yoga once a week and absolutely LOVE the class. We do variations of breathing techniques and the alternate nostril breathing is not always on the menu, so it's nice to be reminded, but in general the more we can all breathe from our bellies, the better we will feel, ie more relaxed. [|)] Hope you non-yogis get some good use out of changing your breathing.

Michaela x