View Full Version : Hot Flushes

09-05-09, 07:34
Does anyone experience these ? I've been getting them for quite sometime now.

I thought I must be going through the menopause or something. I'm 33 and had my blood checked, but nothing showed.

What's all this about, is it still hormonal do you think or something to do with anxiety?

I'm also feeling sick quite a bit. It's not the new medication, because it's been happening for afew months now, only it seems to be getting worse.

Any ideas ?

Sorry about all these posts, but i'm getting so confused, i'm just not understanding things properly and my mind is broken.

I must be driving my bf round the bend, so I thought I'd try and give him a break.

Thank you.

09-05-09, 08:18
i get these alot..its just your anxiety.x

Tori Frances
09-05-09, 08:41
I get these all the time too. V horrible but anxiety not physical illness. Not sure why it happens but common symptom apparently.

09-05-09, 11:31
I get hot flushes too when i'm really panicky, then of course i panic because i'm hot...it sounds like what you are experiencing too xxx

09-05-09, 12:46
i get them all the time aswell katie especially in the night and i have all the windows open aswell think its the anxiety doing it x

09-05-09, 14:33
i get them...mainly in the day time...
can make me feel quite rough too...and sometimes she shakes but it wares off...i try to carry on and take no notice...
it is related to the panic/anxiety

09-05-09, 15:15
Thanks everyone. I just couldn't figure it out, at least I now know that I'm not on my own with this.

I also have terrible night sweats, am soaked in the mornings :blush:, that's if I'm lucky enough to get some sleep. I guess this too is all part of it, because when I was very ill, I remember this happening and also had mixed cold sweats and bad shakes and trembling.

Thanks for letting me know, it's helped me. x

09-05-09, 17:27
You should buy a big fan Katie, i have mine on all night right next to my bed so it blows on my face. Even in the winter and i'm cold, i don't turn it off because im scared of getting too hot. I also find the humming of the fan soothing.

If you have a hot flush, sit with a fan and some cold water on your face, and your arms and legs too if it's a bad flush, you'll have goose bumps in no time! :-)

10-05-09, 09:06
Yeah i get these too :) Don't worry it's nothing to worry about - it passes xx

10-05-09, 09:31
Thanks so much for your messages and advice. Can't write much more, bf's nagging me to go now.

Take care all and hope you have a good day today.
