View Full Version : A little help today Please.

09-05-09, 10:59
Hi all, as some of you will know I visit here and post and in ky way I also try and help where and when I can, well today it is a little hep, advice reassurance I need, and I hope this is the best place. Briefly, I thought I had something serious a month or so ago which had been going on for a good six weeks before I saw the Doc, he assured me no tests were needed as he thought I had IBS not the Bowel Cancer I went in with !!. Well usually I see a Doc about me heart, racing missing beats etc, you all know what I mean, after seeing the Doc and about a day later it and I calm down and off we go again. This though hasnt gone, I feel sick, I have a dull ache in my Tummy and it feels so nervy and tender. I go to the loo every morning as usual, but find I need to nip back about half an hour later and go again, the first time it is as it has always been and no suprises, the second time it is more loose and a lot of wind, pebble dashed comes to mind, usually this helps and I get on, but lately it doesnt help. I cannot understand it, I usually eat my main meal in the evening, 6/7 pm, I feel GREAT, Large meal and it has little or no effect on me, in fact it makes me feel good, even if when I sit to eat I look and think, oh no I am not hungry, once I start off I go and I love it and I do tend to pig!!. BUT in the Morning, well I have a cup of Tea and a Fag, ( I know !!) and at first I am fine, second tea and fag and I feel so sick, I have pain in my lower back and indeed in my groins, I feel awful and today is bad, on top of this I have also just had heart palpitations, I hope because I am stressing over this sick feeling but oif course it is all adding to the overall fed up had enough what the hell is this feeling, and of course the doubts that it is 'only IBS' and I am thinking, Hear problems, stomach cancer, gall stones, bowel cancer etc. I know I shouldnt but have googled and to be fair visited UK sites, including the NHS site and apart from the constipation, I havent, and Diahorreah, only the second tome I go, I havent, but all other symptoms seeem to fit with IBS, I have trouble though thinking it can only be IBS which I think I have had in the past but which didnt last what must be comming up to three months now, any help advice calming words are gratefully received, I am going to see a Doc again next week, but need a little 'crutch' right now, anyone know these symptoms and can help.............PLEASE.

09-05-09, 11:21
Well you will get the correct answers from the doctor but it does sound like ibs which i also have so try not to worry and definetely dont google lol
and yes im the same in the morning the tea and fag syndrome sigh lol
take care

Thanks Tetley, Doc did say it was IBS but with it going on and on I am having a real problem beleiving it, I dont even know, really, what I am worrying about, I am not convinced it is this or that, I hope to hear from more IBS sufferers who see feel the same symptoms, it is so annoying and to be honest upsetting.

09-05-09, 14:16
I always go to the loo at least 3 times in the morning and I have to go theer is no hanging about. The morning ones are very soft and sometimes especially if I pass wind or just make it too loo I get the slight pebble dash as well. last thing in evening i get lots of wind:blush: and then I pass what look like rabbit droppings. I do this every day. I also cannot eat much fibre or I spend all day on loo with awful tummy pains. I have to very careful i don't eat too much high fibre wholemeal bread or fruit and veg - it just goes straight through me next day. It really annoys me that so called healthy eating is worst thing I can do - I can cope with say 3 slices of high fibre bread and a banana a snall protion of veg a day but slightest bit more and its 6 times to loo next day .
I had colonscopy last year and didn't even had a single polyp or anything, gastro told me I have a very good bowel that doesn't let anything hang around and I don't need much fibre.

09-05-09, 16:58
I had near enough the same symptoms as you and I have IBS; my latest espisode of IBS has taken since Christmas to calm down and it's only really inthe last couple of weeks that my stomach etc is back to normal.

The worst thng with IBS is that the more you stress, the worse it gets - it's a vicious circle. It will get better with time though...