View Full Version : trying hard.

09-05-09, 11:52
Does anyone else feel like they get up and think right i am going to try really hard today and be ok and then feel so ill they cant?Its like a catch 22 situation because i think right i am going to get on today and not worry about why i feel like i do and then when you try and do something you feel to ill to do it and then you start thinking see there must be something seriously wrong because i want to do it but my bodies to ill to let me.

09-05-09, 13:02
HI Zippy,
it seems strange to offer support to someone when I feel I am sufering myself today, but, This feeling you have is your mind just playing naughty games, you have decided today is going to be a good day, but in the back of your mind there will be doubt and the slightest thing will set you back, keep going, try to float past these feelings, take your time, if it takes a little longer to do something, take a little longer, if it feels a little strange, let it, it will pass and then carry on, try not to analyse every thought and feeling, let them be and they will pass. Enjoy your weekend, be happy, be lazy be whoever you want to be, but when you think and notice things, float past them, give them no power, smile at the thoughts of illness, it will pass and you can get on. I do not say these things lightly, I too suffer in many similar ways as you do and no I am not cured, but it gets better, it does it really does. So try not to power up the bad thoughts, let them float on past and enjoy the good ones.

09-05-09, 14:24
yes i agree... i have suffered mainly with panic/anxiety but more in the mind...but just lately i have found it is effecting me physically...
just take things slowly and push yourself just that little bit further each time... and you will see you can do it...
it is just your mind playing tricks on you...