View Full Version : Weight Gain

09-05-09, 14:48
Hi im new to this site, still trying to work it out.. been on citralopram for approx 8 months, and I have gained weight and unable to loose any. This is adding to my stress..:weep:

09-05-09, 15:03
Welcome on board here. You will find iot very intresting. It's not that bad to find your way around. I too have put on weight. I'm told that the meds I am taking are to blame. Although I'm not on the same meds as you but check out if thay can have that side effect. One problem at a time. hope this helps

11-05-09, 13:46
When I was first put on citalopram my weight shot up. I had lost a lot as my IBS has been so bad I could hardly eat. I didn't honestly notice the weight going on either could be that I was struggling so much with coping with everything else I just didn't notice. As my dose has dropped I think so has my weight, I look back and I realise just how under weight I was and I am actually enjoying the new curver me. I remember at the time I was looking on the internet trying to find out whether weight gain was a side effect but don't think I found anything that would say for sure yes or no.

11-05-09, 13:55
hello yes i have gained weight too about 6 pounds in 7 months its like im always hungry and even though im not eating much more its all around my stomach -not happy with that tho i guess ill just have too keep an eye on it

11-05-09, 23:26
Hi, I know it's easy for me to say this but I would rather gain weight than lose it. I lost a stone in 2 months due to anxiety and I started having irrational fears that I would become ill or anorexic or something. As my mood improved my appetite came back but I am still a bit underweight.

Being underweight has always scared me more than being over. Once you are finished with citalopram you may find your weight starts to return to normal.

11-05-09, 23:45
Thanks for the replies, Im sure Ive put at least a stone and half on!! Im thinking of reduces my dose so hopefully will see a different then.

12-05-09, 00:13
How are you gaining weight? Is the citalopram increasing your appetite? If you can highlight exactly what is making you gain weight you can work out a strategy for either losing weight, or making sure you don't gain any more.

I must point out that regular exercise that leaves you breathless will help you to burn off calories and can help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.

15-05-09, 23:28
Hi guys,

Yeah weight gain - it happens on Cit.

I was a smoker for 17 years and I was always a little under weight because of this. I quit 15 months ago and put on about 3 kilos during that time. I have always led a very active lifestyle, kickboxing, football, swimming, gym all thoughout my life. I have always wanted to put on a little extra weight though - even though my BMI was always spot on, I thought I looked under.

Now after being on Citalopram for nearly 3 months I have put on about one kilo a month - and that's with only being on 10mg for that time. I really like the extra weight - I'm filling out in all the right places. And what's really strange is that I'm still as active as ever, playing football 3 or 4 times a week.

In my opinion it's definatley the Citalopram that's causing the weight gain, because I run my ass off at the football. I just hope hte weight gain stops at a reasonable stage otherwise I'm going to end up one of those `Jolly fat men!' :roflmao:

18-05-09, 19:31
Hi all,

one of the reasons why I joined this site is because I was trying to find out if my recent weight gain could be due to citalopram. For ages I thought it was because I recently turned 24 and my metabolism was naturally slowing. I've only gained about 8lbs in the 6 months I've been taking it but I'm jogging 3 times a week for at least 40 mins (only used to do 20 mins about once a week) and I'm watching what I eat which I never bothered with before. I'm not gaining any more but even though this is the most exercise I've done since I was about 13, I'm not losing anything. I've always had a big appetite and have not noticed a change there.

I'm not sure if it's a direct effect of the meds or indirect - I no longer have a constantly racing pulse and am generally relaxed. Of course, it may have absolutely nothing to do with Citalopram.

Anyway, as of today I'm gradually coming off it so I will let you know if I notice a change to my weight.

22-05-09, 21:33
Hi Rat,

Yeah I agree with that, it must slow down the metabolic rate. I'm not complaining though :)