View Full Version : Howdy

24-08-05, 11:01
Hi everyone,

I am new to the site so don't really no where to start. Maybe I should explain a bit about myself.

I am 17 and have been suffering from something for nearly a year, I get really anxious in certain situations and end up throwing my guts up and feeling rotten for the next 2 days. I have started seeing someone and I want to tell him whats wrong with me and why i don't want to go to the pub, or why i have to dash off sometimes but i dont no how to.

I have had a lot of worries in my life, and from reading other peoples thoughts maybe that has contributed to me feeling like this because it started so suddenly.

I went off the rails at 14 fora while, I moved in with my sister, she had an abusive boyfriend and i saw him do some horrible things to her and he hurt me, then i met my now ex boyfriend and things seemed to be going ok. Then my mum and dad broke up when i was 15, I never really see him anymore.

I thought i had gotten over these things and others but maybe i havent, i am just desperate to get better.

Sorry if i havent made a lot of sense, it feels better to be able to write things down without people thinking you are a weirdo.


Take Care

24-08-05, 11:06
Hi Loopy Lou.
Ive just joined too,the people on here seem really friendly.

Well, welcome

Redbubble x

24-08-05, 11:32
Hi Loop Lou

You have been through a bad time, so I am not suprised on how you are feeling.

Have you been to the docs at all and have you thought about councelling. When parents divorce it is a traumatic time for the kids, however old they may be and watching your sister be hurt as well as yourself is to.

Oh and a big warm welcome to the site



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

24-08-05, 11:32
Hi LoopyLou,

A big welcome to the site.

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

24-08-05, 11:35
Hi Loopy Loo

A big warm welcome to the site, you will get lots of help and support here.

Barb x

24-08-05, 12:01
Thank you everyone for your kind messages. I went to the doctors once and told him i thought i might be depressed but he fobbed me off and told me to get on with it basically so i havent been back since then.

The thing what is the hardest is trying to act like nothing is wrong, i don't want family friends ect to worry about me, so talking about my problems is quite new for me, thanks everyone for being so nice!!

Have a great day

Lou xx

24-08-05, 12:31

Sounds lie you need to talk to someone who isn't familiar with your situation.

You can ask your doctor to refer you for some counselling. If he refuses - see another doctor.

Meanwhile write out everything that is going on inside you .. daily write a few or lots of lines, there is a kinda magic in getting everything out- it lightens the load somehow .

You may have got over those horrible things on a practical level but not emotionally as yet.

You are not a wierdo at all. Has siste now got rid of that boyfriend and how is your relationship with Mum ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-08-05, 13:02
Hi Lou,

Welcome to the site. Everyone been so friendly and understanding to me since I joined, I'm really quite touched :D

If you need get things off your chest just post them here, a problem shared and all that!

Don't let the doctors fob you off. We all know that the health system is being stretched to the limits in the UK but at the end of the day it's there to make you better. If you feel depressed then don't take no for an answer.

P xx.

24-08-05, 13:25
hi lou
welcome to the site
it is strange to talk about anxiety/panic but it does help believe me.
if you do need to talk you can pm just about anyone here including me or post a problem or come into the chatroom:D
your not alone hun
take care
michelle xxx

24-08-05, 15:52
Hey, welcome to the site. I'm about to turn 17 and believe me, I know how hard it is to not know what to say to friends and guys...its tough. and I also have horrible problems with a sick stomach.

It sounds like you know, kinda, what triggered all of it tho. Like others said, you need to see a counselour or a therapist or something. Or even start off by chosing a close friend to talk to. Seriously, feel free to pm anytime. I'd be more than happy to talk. :D


24-08-05, 16:57
Hi Lou,

A BIG WARM welcome to the site I do hope it helps you.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

24-08-05, 17:55
Welcome to the site Lou.

24-08-05, 18:20

A warm welcome aboard the forum and I hope you get some great support here.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

24-08-05, 18:21
Welcome aboard!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

24-08-05, 18:26
Hi Lou