View Full Version : Some perspective

09-05-09, 16:16
Hi all, I have been reading through some threads to do with dizziness, head rushes and zaps and drunkenness (derealisation?). I have been suffering with these symptoms for a while myself and am still struggling to accept they are just anxiety. Trying hard to do so so I know I won't die or pass out etc, but its hard.

I was wondering how do most of you manage your every day lives with htese sort of symptoms? Are you able to work full time, socialise, do stuff with the family etc? I am struggling to just do the absolute bare essentials, clean up at home, take my son to school, prepare a meal and take my boy to football. This is about all I can do with an occasional grocery shop. My symptoms scare me too much and I am afraid of being taken ill in public, I feel I have to be careful with myself in case I get worse. How are others coping, do you work or are you unable to anymore. I would like to know how you manage with these terrible feelings. I need to get my life back, but am still so afraid!

10-05-09, 16:56
If it's any reassurance, despite my anxiety..I'm moving to another country next month to go to college. You only get one life to live and one chance to do things your way.

You're really not gonna pass out if you go ahead and do the things you need to do. Last week I needed to go shopping for college and for some reason I was nervous as heck while doing it. My heart was racing the whole two ours I was outside, I kept getting weird head zaps and ear ringing, and just felt down right shaky. But once I got home, I realized I didn't die or pass out or look stupid..so I went and did it again the next day for 30 mins, and i was MUCH less anxious.

Basically if you go out thinking you're gonna get ill, chances are your anxiety symptoms will come about and bug you. You'll probably get a racing heart and some intrusive thoughts, but you won't die. Just say "what the heck, I've got one life to live, I can't let these horrid thoughts control me" and get on with your day.

If you continue to push through these essential activities, you WILL NOT GET WORSE.

10-05-09, 17:15
Hi there, I agree with Yanksforever. I have had anxiety for 3 years now and I am 90% cured. But I have had to do just what he/she said and push on through the feelings. This all kicked off for me in 2006. I was getting better in June 2007, then I had a relapse in August 2007 and am only just getting over it now. I made my self push through everything last year, no matter how I felt. No it wasnt easy - in fact it was very very difficult and I would be in the shops feeling awful and hiding my tears. But I am almost at the end of that road now. I virtually had to start at the beginning though. Learn how to go out in the car again and go out with other people. Learn how to walk through town and go for appointments. Learn how to be out and about with my kids and not feel like I would be ill. Start at college again and go for counselling. Go to the Dentist and such like. Even walks through the park and getting the bus into town. Oh and I even went to Scotland on holiday with the family when I wasnt entirely sure of myself. I just had a couple of blips whilst we were there but I got over them. And believe me, I have felt shocking with the anxiety too. So yes, try and do as much as you can, no matter how you feel. Nothing will happen. Its never happened to me in 3 years, or during my 3 other breakdowns come to that!!

11-05-09, 08:55
Also, I forgot to say, like Yanksforever above, that you will not get worse if you keep on pushing through the feelings. I have never got worse as a result of pushing on through my feelings.
